Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She will look elegant in black , and she 'll cry delicately so as not to mar the whiteness of her skin , and dab her nose with a lace-edged handkerchief , and wear Mother 's jet brooch , and all the customers will sigh and say how sad it is , and young men will want to comfort and console her , and they will , oh yes , because she did n't really love him .
2 At the end of the impregnation period , care should be taken to release the vacuum slowly so as not to cause boiling .
3 Sam 's porridge bowl was fuller than usual — Ma Bombie 's hand being even more unsteady than normal — so he was walking very slowly so as not to spill any .
4 In the meantime voluntary organisations and community groups are urged to work together locally and regionally to coordinate information gathering and analysis through existing networks and development agencies ( e.g. CVSs , NCVO , associations , federations , church bodies or other ) .
5 Until the end of the nineteenth century , or even later , most foreign offices adapted their internal structures , for so many generations designed to meet demands which were entirely European , only slowly and reluctantly to cope with new problems which increasingly embraced the entire world .
6 She had said he must marry only so as not to disappoint his mother ; but should he come to her one day and say he was about to marry someone , that would assuredly beat her into the ground .
7 It is an institution which until recently my fellow countrymen valued so highly as willingly to pay any price needful for its preservation .
8 Press together gently but firmly to join them .
9 This follows the ethic pursued in the conversion of similarly old city-centre premises in New York of leaving exteriors more or less alone so as not to attract attention .
10 There is no deck chair for me so I sit on the lawn at Ma 's feet and draw some barley water up the straw , gently so as not to disturb Pa who is reading .
11 She hurried forward with her head down so as not to see the diesel-and-hemp-smelling boathouse where she and Francis had once kissed and kissed ; or the two canvas shoes pushed on dock posts to dry and which she was certain had belonged to Francis .
12 Robyn felt a small curl of satisfaction and proceeded to descend the staircase at an even slower pace than before , treading gingerly so as not to exacerbate the dreadful pounding in her head .
13 Titian has written over their heads Ex Praeterito Praesens Prudenter Agit Ni Futura Actione Deturpit ( ‘ From the [ example of ] the past the man of the present acts prudently so as not to imperil the future ’ ) .
14 They quite fail to conceal the troubled human shallowness of all the raunch they profess so coolly and brightly to place and displace with a laugh . ’
15 In other cases he remains cut off , although he may then recover well enough physically and mentally to start a new life , perhaps even setting up home with someone else and taking on a new job .
16 This is a fibre which takes dye so easily and well to produce all these lovely vibrant colours .
17 She laid her head back against a cushion , breathing in deeply and regularly to relax the tension in the back of her neck , but it was no use .
18 ‘ I 've been rather avoiding the flat except to call in once or twice to pick up mail , but I 'd a letter this morning from Rachel .
19 Apply it to one surface then press together quickly and accurately to make a good contact .
20 Addictive use of any substance or behaviour is seen when the individual uses it in appropriately and compulsively to suppress uncomfortable emotions Or to gain a sense of elation in order to change a disordered mood rather than simply using it for its own sake .
21 He worked without an easel and with the minimum of fuss , placing his canvas on a chair and painting quietly , ‘ interrupting only now and then to take a gulp of alcohol from a bottle .
22 Mind you , when our Daniel come in now and then to visit they thowt I was on me way out too , wi't dog-collar , and that , dog-collars in them places meaning Death …
23 For example , people who are not trained in keyboard use would find either speech or script recognition systems much faster and easier to use .
24 The petition calls on the watchdog to ‘ force Welsh Water to take action sooner rather than later to upgrade the sewage works . ’
25 This would strengthen the case of Kim Il Sung moving sooner rather than later to defeat Syngman Rhee and transform the whole of Korea into a communist state .
26 Her mother had taken her downstairs so as not to disturb the rest of the family .
27 I kept on taking shots anyway so as not to lose face . ’
28 Their desire to escape the rain might hurry their attack — not much but enough to give him a small advantage .
29 There are even moves to make commercial litigation more client-friendly , to hold on to the business that 's dribbling away southwards if not to attract more in .
30 In the US election , commentators are bemoaning the lack of international issues , but they are still markedly more present than here : President George Bush and Bill Clinton are arguing over how and when to help the former Soviet states , Clinton is proposing to allow Japan and Germany on to the Security Council of the UN , all candidates have a figure for American troop presence in Europe , ranging from Bush 's 150,000 to Jerry Brown 's 1,000 , with a European force of 1,000 stationed in the US .
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