Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Above all he becomes a technician of controlled trance , to which he then surrenders totally — perhaps rather unknowingly as do our greatest actors and musicians .
2 Trumpets wailed , acrobats somersaulted , torn beasts died ; some bejewelled ladies blew kisses , perhaps only so as to kindle the jealousy of rival ladies or of their own lords .
3 On the one hand , Jaq must seem capable of irony and flexible tolerance — perhaps only so as to spring a trap .
4 These categories reveal an intricate relationship between social rank and economic standing , so much so as to invite the conclusion that by this date , if not much earlier , it had come to be acknowledged that status was a function of source and level of income , subject to the proviso that land took precedence over personal property .
5 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
6 The origin of Blakeney Point is open to discussion : it has been suggested that the western end may have been a feature comparable with Scolt Head Island and later joined to the mainland by a simple spit growing westwards from Weybourne : it may have developed entirely as a spit such as Orford Ness or Hurst Castle Spit , which will be described below ; or the whole feature may represent an offshore bar driven so far inshore as to become attached to the coast .
7 In fact , some people 's remembering of the exact colours and their proportions might be so far out as to scramble the possible building of any picture .
8 Even drivers of average height will need the seat so far back as to make it impossible to see directly behind .
9 Erm but , but they 're an easy target to go for as opposed to , I mean Mao could e perhaps as easily as argued , saying you know commercialization is not the way forward , erm and we do n't want greater interaction with the world economy erm as opposed to saying , you know , overthrow the local landlords .
10 On inspecting this table we can begin to raise questions about the balance of men and women in secondary school teaching ; especially as far as teaching particular age groups are concerned with more women teaching the younger pupils in middle schools than teaching in comprehensive schools where the complete age range is present .
11 Bearing in mind that there 's something like forty companies chasing about eighteen percent of this market , do you honestly feel that your advertising revenue is going to go down as quickly as feel if you want to try and keep ahead of the the pack and keep up with the leaders .
12 He handed her the double bladed paddle as she continued , ‘ I shall go down as far as Browns Mill , so could you possibly pick me up here about five thirty ? ’
13 ‘ Those notices , ’ announced Gus clearly to the general air , but not so loudly as to reach unauthorised ears , ‘ mean exactly what they say .
14 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
15 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
16 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
17 Not so quietly as to escape the attention of the ever-vigilant Scottish recruitment machine , however .
18 Hilts has fallen under the spell of each in turn — not so deeply as to distort fact , but deeply enough to lose the sardonic , sceptical qualities that ought never quite to desert the journalist .
19 Take the example of St-Germain-des-Prés on the west bank of the Seine at Paris : here the landlord , the monastic community , organised peasant transport services not only so as to ensure the abbey 's food supply but to permit the sale of surplus wine and corn .
20 In fact the layers are stacked vertically not horizontally as shown in the drawing — the horizontal position was chosen to suggest that the layers were still " supporting the front-line units .
21 In spite of the recession the PSBR continued to fall , though not as fast as had been forecast .
22 New captain Terry Moncur and Alabaster both won in the afternoon singles , though not as handsomely as expected , but only Kenny Breeze managed to score points thereafter .
23 Once airborne , the technique of control comes just as easily as riding the proverbial bicycle … until that is , you fall off !
24 Elizabeth had been amazed to see workmen slicing through stone blocks with hand-axes , just as easily as cutting butter .
25 Skilfully used , a fabric border can pull a room together just as effectively as swagging everything in sight with the same chintz .
26 A firm conviction of the truth of all this , secure in the minds of the parents by the time the child is born , is the best insurance that the process will start with birth just as surely as does the process of feeding .
27 Total repression of conflict leads to anarchy just as surely as does total conflict' ( ibid. xii ) .
28 He had left home so hurriedly as to have packed not one of the poetry volumes that he was very seldom without .
29 And if a new kind of replicator takeover is beginning , it is conceivable that it will take off so far as to leave its parent DNA ( and its grandparent clay if Cairns-Smith is right ) far behind .
30 In Kinvig v Holland Hannen & Cubbitts [ 1977 ] CLY 373 an interesting situation arose because the plaintiff failed to beat a payment in but had his damages increased on appeal , although still not so as to bear the amount that the defendant had paid into court .
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