Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pron] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
2 Stuart lost control due to bad snow conditions , halfway down our descent route , and slid uncontrollably for 400ft .
3 Poverty huddles in corners or squats by pitiful displays of chocolates long past their sellby date .
4 The latter looked admiringly at the other two who have been preserved long past their life expectancy .
5 The early death of a sibling is an event which Dally cites as being common in the histories of anorexics , and a year or so later my baby sister died of bronchial pneumonia .
6 ‘ Adjudicator Bishop , I need hardly remind you that so far your case list borders upon the ludicrous : one accident , possibly murder ; one suicide , possibly murder ; one disaster , possibly mass murder .
7 Yet it is important to realise that in the last decades of the old régime in France the parlements were often expressing more or less accurately what public opinion there was on the issues at stake , and that they had frequently widespread popular support for their attitudes .
8 — ‘ Only now your Crocus List is trying it all on its ownsome . ’
9 All around my rooftop pavilion could be seen other fragmentary remains of the Jahanpanah which Ibn Battuta would have known : a series of fragile mediaeval islands standing out amid the sea of modern sprawl .
10 He says , he 's filled the wheelie bin and it 's go he 's been in it and jumped on the top , so course his track suit is
11 In just a few moments you can see how much easier your working life could become .
12 So therefore your team worker might come down a little bit score just to add on to your Chairman 's skills .
13 The bill amended the 1964 Civil Rights Act to enable victims of intentional discrimination based on sex , religion or disability to claim not only their back pay and legal costs , as hitherto , but also compensatory and punitive damages .
14 This means that one brings to bear on the other the full range of mental associations that the culture attaches to it ; it is important to note that the objective meaning of words includes , for the New Critics , not only their dictionary definition ( sometimes called their ‘ denotation ’ ) , but also their associations ( or ‘ connotations ’ ) .
15 2 HIS brother Luigi is not only his plumbing partner but also shares his adventures .
16 But eventually she persuaded us she meant it and we went and it was an invaluable experience meeting not only our missionary partner but the people among whom she lives and and works and has done for many years .
17 If you 've got a water in and you pay not only your water supply in but also your sewage out on the basis of what comes through the meter .
18 It has been tough going , finding out things about myself which were buried deep but with ministry from the leaders and looking to God for answers I believe he has healed not only my drug problem but has cleansed me from sin so that I feel clean .
19 This is known as being zygodactyl , a feature that is found in many climbing birds , not least your pet budgerigar and other parrots , and indeed woodpeckers .
20 Those questioned were also concerned that they were not given information on exactly how their tax liability was worked out .
21 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
22 He prodded once more his attaché case — which I felt inclined to keep my eyes averted from — and said : ‘ I suppose you 've been wondering why I never let go of this case .
23 A higher tax rate than E * ; F will move consumers further up their demand curve and lead to under-consumption and under-production .
24 Another recently asked my advice about the finer points of his own computer program so that he might catalogue more accurately his card collection , so vast had it become ( if any one has a mint Drummahoe No 1 , he would be most indebted ) .
25 CHARLES was dealt a blow yesterday when his polo handicap was dropped by a goal for the second year — to a ‘ rather ordinary ’ 2 .
26 The building was rewired in 1945 , and used as the Marton route running-shed ; once again its east side was used for storing seasonal cars .
27 Once again their goal scoring duo of Steve Harkus and Paul Thompson did the damage in establishing a 2–0 lead at the interval with a second half goal from Brian Mulvaney finally putting the issue well beyond doubt .
28 Once again their schoolboy outside-half Jason Strange played a key role by kicking 16 points to help his side move into third place with a game in hand .
29 Once again our Branch President has kindly offered her home as a venue .
30 The more eccentrically his maths master behaved , the more Malik was prepared to defend him .
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