Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 So presumably you just have it on a low heat .
2 Imagine the very worst that can happen at the interview — you fall over , give all the wrong answers , blush and become tongue-tied , antagonize the interviewer , do everything so badly you patently have not got a hope of getting the job .
3 Other night we had bacon and egg and I did n't fancy it very much so I just had two slices of bacon and one egg and made a couple of sandwiches out of it .
4 Oh its its its chronic , Tracy and Yvonne take hundreds of calls that are nowt to do with us , we 've what was it , we had complaints and discipline on on Friday afternoon , they wanted Superintendent J Smith and complaints and discipline on Friday afternoon , she were just gon na transfer it and Jim walked in so we just had a phone call for you he said
5 Only today they still had a copy .
6 He walked so fast she almost had to run to keep up .
7 So then I just had a drive round all the sites .
8 In 1958 two zoologists from the University of California discovered that the removal of the gland made the escape reactions of lizards much slower ; so undoubtedly it still has survival value .
9 It is only when everything else has genuinely been tried that divorce can ever be contemplated .
10 And it 's going to be a long time before it 's going to be possible , so therefore we still have to use animals , I see no way round it .
11 ‘ Well , ’ said Sendei , ‘ it looked like just about everybody else had had the same idea .
12 Nevertheless sometimes it clearly has and other times it clearly has n't , so there does seem to be a line there , even if we do n't yet know , we certainly have to draw it .
13 we 're not , it 's not tomorrow it 's Wednesday , we get period one and two off so we only have half day
14 Well if that 's gone off then you just have
15 Later on we often have friends around sometimes people I work with , colleagues .
16 At the same time the keyboard conductor makes sure that the electrostatic charge that builds up inside you also has somewhere else to go .
17 I mean we 're not allowed as many holidays as , as most of them , but then again it was starting up so we just had to take it that way .
18 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
19 the best training for surveying now interestingly we recently had a a thing about this from gosh .
20 Right well we now have our second candi candidate , erm Frank .
21 Right well I never have either .
22 Er well weatherwise it certainly has you do n't go a day without seeing the sun shine , there 's hardly any rain .
23 Because they 've always let's be fair they 've always been around so somebody else has been doing them .
24 Oh yes well apparently they normally have a sort of rhythm and blues or something on a , on a Thursday .
25 Well hopefully we already have .
26 Er tomorrow and er Thursday are even more critical than today when we actually have n't got any hard of hearing members in today .
27 Well actually you just had a packed lunch today did n't you ?
28 If triploblasts ( metazoans with three germ layers ) occur in Ediacaran assemblages , then perhaps they too had an extended history in parallel with early diploblasts ( two-layered animals such as modern coelenterates ) .
29 And with Ariel a prisoner her young caveys seemed to forget how once they too had loved to hunt .
30 Excuse me , Excuse me if you if you used your mouth as well as your brain you 'd be better off , the thing is this that quite honestly nobody here has the right , do you like the way that gentleman looks ?
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