Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 Share sales tend to be rather less complex structurally than asset sales in that through buying the shares the purchaser acquires all the assets and liabilities of the target .
2 What is striking about these two books is the sense they convey — little less unusual now than when they were written — of a strong and independent black community , in which people found their own way rather than having it mapped out for them by white expectations .
3 They 'll probably still send somebody , but perhaps only one rather than two . ’
4 The demands of the king upon the realm for sacrifices and contributions towards the war effort would have been much less effective even than they were , had not the church acted as a kind of ministry of information and propaganda .
5 Now , although the idea that whenever we see that someone is in pain we make an inference from behaviour to feeling is about as mythical as the idea that at some time in the past we made a Social Contract , the ‘ argument from analogy ’ line of reasoning seems much less implausible here than in the ‘ Afternoon on the Sun ’ case .
6 But JPL is still associated with Caltech , and acceptance of classified research at US universities is much less ready now than it used to be .
7 A small number of cycad genera survive in the tropical and subtropical regions today , but they are much less conspicuous today than they were 120 million years ago .
8 Why then , people wonder , is inflation so much higher here than in our main competitor countries ?
9 Perhaps more difficult even than the financial juggling is the isolation and loneliness .
10 Mrs Parkin would take quick sidelong looks at her new daughter-in-law , hoping to catch her out , but there she 'd always be , merry as a chicken , tra-la-lahing amongst the pots and pans in the kitchen , or lipsticking her lips in the frameless octagonal mirror in the parlour , or telling her rosary in front of the Virgin , apparently more devout even than Bernard , the most devout of all her sons .
11 Our message is that have a think about an alternative possibility , about being much more high-key , much more pro-active rather than reactive .
12 But the economist added : ‘ Our analysis are much more negative even than the samizdat literature .
13 One of my longest standing friends commented to me on Thursday evening how I had started to laugh again and was much more relaxed rather than — and I quote — ‘ the grey ghastly sight you have looked for weeks ’ — ( shades , if you recall of 's amazing remarks after my April visit when forced to detour to document sign — and , incidentally on that score , we have hit yet another legal obstacle , so heaven knows when that will all get sorted out ) .
14 Though we feel ourselves to be much more comfortable now than we used to be , there has been very little increase in domestic fuel demand over fifty years or more .
15 The recession — it looks as though there is a glimmer of light , but I was on the continent a couple of three weeks ago when the mortar attack took place at Number Ten and the reaction of people I met I mean it was much more marked there than it was here , or seemed to be .
16 The computational approach is , therefore , much more rigorous intellectually than that to which many psychologists have been accustomed .
17 Lewis Smedes , in his book Sex in the Real World , lists a number of reasons why adultery is so much more common now than in previous generations .
18 In the case of elderly people these economic considerations seem somewhat more important even than the elderly person 's need for physical care .
19 In some jurisdictions ( for example , Scotland ) juvenile offenders are dealt with almost entirely under civil rather than criminal proceedings ; in others , including the English , this is partly the case .
20 The sheer drama , so often greater offstage than on …
21 There she sat , in her familiar party outfit , an eccentric , much-worn , embroidered Chinese garment , her neat , solidly cut , smartly sloping black hair as tidy as a doll 's , looking perhaps faintly Chinese rather than Jewish , diminutive as she was , and with those high cheek-bones : and there sat Alix , also by Charles 's standards impoverished , though not by her own , which were more austere .
22 Orkney wives were generally much happier outside than inside and this was well illustrated in the figures for taking over the paperwork ( 7% ) and those for attending sick stock ( 32% ) .
23 Certainly the symbolism of the pineapple is immensely more potent there than in Britain .
24 Hence , a political economy of the urban is scarcely more plausible now than it has ever been in the past .
25 All signals are thus essentially selective rather than instructive since they bring a minimal amount of new information to the cell , and only select from the possible responses open to the cell .
26 ‘ The police service is arguably more efficient now than it has ever been .
27 Looking back over Pearson 's historical review , it is hard to believe that Britain 's cities are any more perilous today than those of pre-industrial times , or when they were frequented by gangs of Garotters and Hooligans .
28 He maintains that their attraction is based on modern society being too materialistic , but it is doubtful if Western man is any more materialistic today than in Roman or Victorian times .
29 As we have seen , a religious motive was more often important then than now .
30 Becky Blandford , who 's still seriously ill more than forty eight hours after a hunting accident .
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