Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ernst Mayr rather unkindly remarks that Jenkin 's article ‘ is based on all the usual prejudices and misunderstandings of the physical scientists ’ .
2 It will , of course , be located somewhere so obscure that Dougie Donnelly will be required to voice-over a map on a television commercial explaining how you can get there with the family this Sunday .
3 The days were long since gone when governments were prepared simply to ride out the turbulence of periodic recessions .
4 Worksop Manor and Clumber Park had long since disappeared and Welbeck Abbey had become a military training school .
5 It was so skilfully effected that Giles and Cavell were metres away before Maria realised what was happening .
6 It should be possible to obtain a compromise which is effective in the legislation and which says , in effect , ’ There will be some crossings which are so rarely used that people are not inconvenienced by their closure . ’
7 Amongst the vast range of savoury snacks there is just one entry for crisps , and I felt that the huge variety of chocolate biscuits or wavers , toffee , caramel , nuts and muesli etc that are so widely eaten as snacks are under-represented .
8 These matters have , unfortunately , been only little explored and prescriptions are less easy to write .
9 Linda Hardy , ( 43 ) — who was so badly beaten that police initially thought she had been shot — was this morning said to be ‘ critical but stable ’ in London 's Royal Free Hospital , which has a neurosurgical unit specialising in treating severe head injuries .
10 The Guardian 's cartoonist showed one health official saying to another : ‘ These regional days of action are so badly organized that Len Murray has to ring up Norman Fowler to ask where they are being held . ’
11 A survey has found that some hospitals are so badly designed that doctors spend four hours of every working day just walking from one ward to another .
12 She was so badly burned that surgeons had to amputate her left hand .
13 It was almost a relief when the door opposite suddenly opened and Ettore Di Leonardo appeared , immaculate as ever in a dark suit and sober tie .
14 We 've known each for long enough to know that silence is better if there is nothing specific to say .
15 Firstly , I have been in football management long enough to know that team changes at this late stage will do nothing for the confidence of existing players .
16 Francis Morgan would no doubt ring him too , but he was naturally so shaken that McLeish thought that small piece of insurance worthwhile .
17 In Spain , what Henry Kamen has called the ‘ series of autos de fe which burnt out Protestantism ’ began at Valladolid in May 1559 , while in France , at exactly the same time , persecution of the Calvinists so much increased that Calvin 's greatest follower , Theodore Beza , began to question Calvin 's insistence on non-resistance to authority .
18 They were eight-sided crystals set at regular intervals in the walls and ceiling , and they shed a rather unpleasant glow that did n't so much illuminate as outline the darkness .
19 It was only just to give Mr Heseltine , who played so prominent a role in the Tory victory , the job he so much wanted as Industry Secretary .
20 She looked around at the bare , cheerless workshop , at the roughly made counter and the cold bare flags of the floor and shivered , what a place to have to work , even in her own reduced circumstances she was so much better placed than Hari Morgan .
21 Much better illustrated than Cotton and Wilkinson and with problems , it is a better teaching aid , but it over-emphasises bonding theory in a rather daunting way .
22 Fellow coach Robert Millington reckoned : ‘ Physiologically , they [ blacks ] are much better equipped than whites ; not so much with what they 've got to start with , but what they can achieve in a short space of time .
23 The person or creature — one of your sub-personalities — starts to argue with you , telling you all the reasons why you are wrong , and why you would do much better to believe that life is full of suffering !
24 Polo parks ( one was constructed recently at Châteaux Giscours ) , marble bottling halls ( Michel Delon 's at Léoville-Lascases is so highly polished that workers have been issued with special boots ) , Versailles-style formal gardens with sunken cellars provide the spectacular icing on the cake of wealth accumulated by the leading châteaux over the last decade by the simple expedient of charging much more for their wines than it costs to make them .
25 ‘ It 's bad enough just knowing that Isabelle was having an affair with a married man while she was supposed to be engaged to his brother .
26 If she was stupid enough not to realize that Timothy Gedge would be waiting for her it was n't anyone 's business except hers .
27 She was still naïve enough not to realize that ideas tossed of the cuff could sound quite different in the cold print of day .
28 Her mother handed her a glass of white wine , so generously filled that Kate was obliged to take a long sip before it was safe to put it down on the small table by the side of the chair .
29 She had only just seen that Beuno had come and was sitting in the garden amongst the wild Welsh poppies and the camomile daisies and the pheasant feathers .
30 About to bite into the sandwich again he stopped suddenly , as if only just realising that Denis still had the gun pointing at him .
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