Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The U N H C R operations room puts all further convoys on hold .
2 It should not escape our notice that it was not only successes on land but those associated with aspects of the war at sea which had contributed towards the satisfactory situation which he described .
3 As a result , customers are demanding not just expertise on information systems , but also effective project management and implementation skills , industry sector knowledge and suitable support services .
4 He has nearly 29pc of the company , but that will be reduced to just under 21pc on flotation .
5 He has nearly 29% of the company , but that will be reduced to just under 21% on flotation .
6 March usually has the heaviest rainfall , just over 100mm on average .
7 But the only thing that does bother me about it is when they get you know school kids coming out of school and going straight on streets on Road .
8 This leg legislation carries out further attacks on trade union , encouraging members of the public to sue strikers .
9 Centre devised Programme Regulations should set out clearly policy on reassessment of students who fail or fail to complete assignments .
10 However , when scientists first tried to work out how life on Earth got started , they had to perfect their understanding of the original primeval gases , and whether and how such gases changed their nature .
11 Laurence del Brok began acquiring property on a small scale in 1236 , and over the course of his lifetime he spent well over £1,000 on property acquisitions .
12 Therefore I believe that man and his God have evolved together over that immense period of time which started with the advent of earthly life , reaches right through to the present time and will continue onwards forever , or until there is no longer life on earth .
13 The Third period reaches from the end of the Second period , right through to the present time and on for ever , or until there is no longer life on earth .
14 Modern research shows that industry had its roots in the previous rural life of home weavers and part-time farmers , that technological innovations ( such as Abraham Darby 's use of coal in smelting iron , 1709 ) took many decades to supplant existing methods of production and provide for successful exports , and that early reliance on water power and canal transport placed limits on expansion .
15 Too often time on site is absorbed in dealing with contractor 's queries rather than in looking at the work .
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