Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] just [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm glad you said that , Chairman , I was I was just thinking erm , cut out the but , regarding on Equal Opportunities , erm , Policies , as we 've been discussing already , I would have thought housewives would have been delighted to have conservative hours rest presumably I just thought I was
2 So on the form there in front of you , you see there are please delete anything which is inappropriate , so I just assume you want them all unless you say .
3 So I just kept them , but I thought
4 She 's reluctant to go back in her own bed , so I just point her over me shoulder and lay and said get on with it an insult .
5 So I just put it on just to tick
6 So I just put you on it .
7 They 're not on letter headings and so I just thought they might be
8 So I just thought she 's gon na yeah if it was out of the question she could have said oh no that 's it , there 's a flat rate so I
9 he was out moaning again yesterday , so I just thought it was getting a bit long round where the old septic tank used to be oh sha n't and we 've done Tesco 's so that clock 's right is n't it ?
10 So I just get it cos I 've only heard you say that before I do n't actually really know what it meant .
11 What , when I went down for , so I called back later , about half an hour later and she was awake so I just took her then .
12 They 've got a spare room in my mum 's flat so I just took it over and put a weights bench in and , what else , a rowing machine and I started to do some weights
13 So I just went I knew I did the only thing that I knew I could do .
14 And the first was a twelve volt but then we came to a hundred and ten so I just strung it down along the two top wires of the fence and they were live and oh there were about six or nine hen houses attached to the fence with those wires for electricity .
15 so I just rolled it into , to something else I guess .
16 So I just thanked him and left .
17 Oh that , a load of those came in the colouring bag on Friday , so I just brought them home .
18 So I just air them off .
19 Yes and I thought it was mucking it up so I just swapped it over the way it was .
20 Charlotte I 'm much better at going to sleep with noise around me , though now , cos I ca n't tell when by body clocks , tends to shut your eyes , so I just blot it out now .
21 So I just left her getting on the bus .
22 Well the bloody Conservative come er through with the er postman so I just picked it up , opened it , ripped it up and it was in bloody bin before postman got to gate bloody Major and that Lamont , and the post together , yesterday .
23 So I just rang him up with a very informal ‘ Hi , David ! ’ instead of a more deferential ‘ Excuse me , Doctor Delvin ’ .
24 Your Mum 's teeth are clitorises so I just touch them and she gets
25 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
26 Well he 's obviously hungry if he wants say have a second Bonio so I just give it to him so what oh excuse me will look good with my full colour and commendations and credits and
27 Right , so I just feel I 'd read that out , so please try and work with the admin , cos we do n't want to upset them .
28 Course , that was did n't want to come and she said oh they asked for it in so I just pretended I did n't I 'd handed mine in and did n't say anything like , you know in ca like , cos I had to go and get them yesterday .
29 So I just gave them the statutory amount per tape
30 Er no cos I realized that I was that it was totally wrong so I just gave it a miss and went on to something else .
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