Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] has be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 All he has been trying to do is to trying to ensure that there 's been even-handed play here on all the stadium sites and it 's disgraceful that his name has been dragged into this !
2 That is the update on the outside of the Lincoln Turbine Service building , so what has been happening on the inside ?
3 Not everyone has been having a bad recession , and not everyone believes they must prune radically their investment and marketing budget .
4 Lately she has been working as a $10-an-hour dresser at local fashion shows and answering phones at an aerobics studio .
5 But lately he has been losing rather too many important matches .
6 Lately he has been working on paintings of trees , large-sized drawings of nudes , painted low-reliefs in wood and a series of portraits of poets in which snippets from their work are inscribed ( Beats Alan Ginsberg and Gregory Corso appear in the show ) .
7 It could also stop the central government from imposing half-baked measures in the guise of reform , which is largely what has been happening until now .
8 Does he agree that what they need is support and proper resources so that they can carry out their work , not what has been happening over the past 12 years — continual restructuring and reforms which do the service no good and break up the comprehensive national health service that we all know ?
9 Since her two daughters have left home she has been researching 18th Century records preparatory to writing biographies of some political reformers .
10 The last ten days gradually it has been coming back since the really trough period in late January with the war and the snow , etc. , and in fact this week erm we 're expecting this week to probably do double the level of bookings that we did last week , and that 's on overseas holidays for summer and winter .
11 One might have hoped for silence from Diana Mosley but now she has been giving us the benefit of her experience on the subject of sexual politics : ‘ There are quite as many henpecked husbands in the world as there are battered wives , something feminists fail to notice . ’
12 For 17 years now he has been hovering — camera at the ready — on the edge of parties , outside nightclubs or in restaurant doorways .
13 Now he has been talking of being ‘ more in control ’ .
14 Previous results showed that the subpolar North Atlantic had warmed between the early 1950s and early 1970s , whereas since then there has been cooling .
15 He or she may even know the number of consultants within a particular firm , how it has been performing , what are its key issues , how it has grown over the past year and generally what it is doing and how successfully .
16 It provides for both Britain and France a unique representative picture of the quality of family life and how it has been changing in our time .
17 Maybe it has been charging too little for the uncertainties involved , but that is another matter .
18 I think that since then it has been damaging . ’
19 We met at lunch , once , and since then he has been bombarding my house with letters and phone calls .
20 Mr Duff said : ‘ His life all went wrong in 1986 but since then he has been putting it back together again . ’
21 Now , he finds people are beginning to be more open about their sexuality , and consequently he has been promoting the activities of the centre for sexual problems in Istanbul .
22 This is precisely what has been happening in recent years , to such an extent that we can without exaggeration speak of a ‘ committals explosion ’ in addition to the remand explosion which we have just outlined .
23 If a pet cat has access to the garage where someone has been filling the car 's radiator system with antifreeze at the onset of winter , the animal may see a small puddle on the garage floor , where some has spilled .
24 Our National Development Officer , Pat Palmer , qualified as a Medau Teacher in 1974 , since when she has been taking recreational classes in Kent and South london and teaching secondary school girls in Peckham .
25 Sentence was delayed on the mother , Celia Palmer , aged l8 , who was remanded to stay in the hostel where she has been living during the trial while social and probation reports are prepared .
26 She is the Santa Maria del Sud and had recently been brought down under tow from the Argentine naval base near Buenos Aires where she has been undergoing a complete refit .
27 Sophia Tickell , Project Officer for the Andes , will return on April 19 from Bolivia , where she has been researching the impact of structural adjustment and other economic reforms encouraged by the World Bank and IMF .
28 Sometimes , when he has been working in the garden , he will come in and sit down , then out again and does a bit more .
29 A third has just returned from an overnight trip to Otterbur in the north-east of England Where it has been helping to move personnel and matériel around the ranges .
30 ‘ In Basildon only 32 out of 8,000 homes were sold and in Scotland where it has been running for two years only 223 out of 6,000 tenants have bought houses .
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