Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think all the many ideas which have been proposed , the , the challenging thoughts , they will make a most enormous contribution to the discussions which we all will be having , and I think , not only ourselves in the voluntary sector , but those elsewhere also .
2 There 's only one in the bloody phone book !
3 There 's only one in the top ten at the moment
4 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
5 This arrangement obliges anyone sitting there to turn his head around sharply towards the left if he wants to see A … — especially anyone in the fourth chair , which is the farthest away .
6 The 1987 Green Paper on Education was notable in that it forecast an increase in the number of students in HE in the 1990s .
7 Not everyone in the pro-life movement is behind him , as ANDREA SMITH discovered .
8 Not everyone in the Old City was an admirer of Sheikh Osman and there were quite a few Moslems as well as Copts who rejoiced in his discomfiture .
9 It is fair to assume that not everything in the emerging resistance ideology pleased de Gaulle .
10 Not one in the whole house .
11 There 's generally one in the main parents ' bedroom , perhaps there 's one in one in er one of the youngsters ' bedrooms , there could even be one in the kitchen these days .
12 There was always someone in the next field to say ‘ Hello ’ to , and the school , which had two teachers , usually had more than thirty children in attendance .
13 Still nobody in the chemical industry put two and two together .
14 Hardly anybody in the big wide world has heard of us , let alone been influenced by our lives .
15 Hardly anyone in the packed congregations of about 1,500 people seemed to know either the hymns or the prayers .
16 Certainly nothing in the recent history , and very probably nothing in the ancient history , of what were once the prerogative writs , has been seen to match this stream of applications .
17 And here give up ourselves in the full bent To lay out service freely at your feet , To be commanded .
18 There was no sound from outside , although it was difficult to pick out anything in the torrential rain that battered both cottage and landscape .
19 And to summarize the methodology that we 've used , we 've set out our in the single sheet in the front of N Y eleven , various assumption areas that constitute the use of the model and our choice of the appropriate assumption for each of these areas .
20 Well his in the Australian airport .
21 Gordon Selfridge , who went on to do rather well himself in the department-store business , started as one of Marshall 's clerks .
22 Probably a British businessman with enough money to go romping off to America on some tax-deductible crusade — heavens you were n't anybody in the Sixties if you could n't to that twice a year . ’
23 They 'll restock wo n't they in the new year ?
24 ‘ Is n't he in the right place for it ?
25 Is n't he in the British Government or something ? ’
26 Was n't it in the first cousin of just this sort of place that two centuries earlier another wandering fiddler , the blind poet Raftery , had composed his famous lament about ‘ playing music to empty pockets ’ ?
27 This is unlikely I admit , but , should it happen , virtually nothing in the Known World could withstand it .
28 So cogent and imaginative were his descriptions and inferences that his name remains well known today even though almost nothing in the same vein has followed from his work .
29 With greater understanding of its causes , however , scientists hope at least to provide accurate long-term prediction , so that everyone who is directly affected — virtually everyone in the southern hemisphere — can be prepared .
30 The EP rapporteur Geoffrey Hoon ( UK , Labour ) explained : ‘ The collection and processing of data permeates the daily life of almost everyone in the European Community , concern grows over possible abuses .
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