Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] just [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 I 'm glad you said that , Chairman , I was I was just thinking erm , cut out the but , regarding on Equal Opportunities , erm , Policies , as we 've been discussing already , I would have thought housewives would have been delighted to have conservative hours rest presumably I just thought I was
2 So I just went I knew I did the only thing that I knew I could do .
3 Right , so I just feel I 'd read that out , so please try and work with the admin , cos we do n't want to upset them .
4 Course , that was did n't want to come and she said oh they asked for it in so I just pretended I did n't I 'd handed mine in and did n't say anything like , you know in ca like , cos I had to go and get them yesterday .
5 So I just say I 'm really new in the area .
6 so she just told me that so I 'll have all the news of Colin tomorrow they 've gone for a week
7 So it just leaves me to say well done and thank you most sincerely for 1991 and I wish you all the success and happiness for the New Year !
8 So it just means I got ta , do I have to take the thing in with me ?
9 I 'm eight and a half years old and disgusted that my mother has to come with me to see A Hard Day 's Night when usually she just sees me to the edge of the estate and across the main road .
10 I like to listen to the news , but yesterday it just gave me a headache .
11 Now I just wish I had gone .
12 Now it just bores me .
13 It used to irritate me but now it just makes me laugh .
14 No I always think I mean it it just annoys me though I think I get well I just get I just think it 's a waste of the day .
15 Well I just thought I 'd go over now and I might as well go down the shop when
16 No I , well I just thought I do n't know why I do n't know why my reaction was what it was
17 It , do it now while you 're young , while you 've got your strength , because there will come days when you look around and you think well I just wish I could do that again , and that 's the way we 're made , and that 's the way it will always be in this system of things , but there 's lots of little things that we , you and I , can work on to help us to stay spiritually alert , vigilant and awake .
18 Well I just saying I would n't have told you
19 They keep questioning me , always asking where I was what I did why I did it , did all of them where I was who I was with who am I trying to kid why do n't I just admit I did it well if I did n't do all these things , who did ?
20 ‘ Yes , well you just said I could have it for thirty .
21 No it was during the conversation he er he said that I hear that you went to flat and I said yes and he said er well you just missed me , I 'd been there a couple of days before .
22 ‘ Look , could n't you just lend me some Thai money ?
23 Ca n't you just leave me alone for God 's sake ? ’
24 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
25 ‘ Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
26 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
27 ‘ Why do n't you just tell me who killed you ? ’
28 Ca n't you just tell me what it is ?
29 Ca n't you just ask me about it ?
30 Ca n't you just take me back to the life your friends stole me from ? ’
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