Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Personally I longed for human society and for exercise ( a good long tramp , for example ) , but no doubt Odilo had his reasons .
2 So she opted for desperate measures to get him to change his image .
3 The plan was to look back at intervals after leaving camp to see how long it took for various features of the Land Rover to disappear , so that I would know how much longer there was to walk when they reappeared in the evening .
4 Eventually she plumped for Persian help , but at a time ( 412 ) when her potential critics inside the league were less effective ( cp. p. 97 on Corinth ) .
5 Now she asked for white wine in her charged voice .
6 It had hardly seemed possible before : but now he knew for sure .
7 ‘ Following the elections there has been less high profile security presence in the area , ’ he said , adding that some time ago he asked for extra security measures for the town .
8 Then she added for good measure , ‘ I do n't know what you want to talk to me about , do I ? ’
9 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
10 If sometimes , when I canvassed for other people at elections , addressed envelopes , drafted manifestos , I felt like an alcoholic sneaking a secret drink , this was a purely subjective analogy .
11 Yet nobody knew for certain who these moderates ( sometimes called ‘ pragmatists ’ ) were ; or , if they existed , how much influence they had .
12 Yet she knew for certain that if she never saw him again she would never forget him .
13 In 1912 she was elected as a Labour councillor in the London borough of Kensington , where she pressed for public provision of baby clinics , school meals , improved council housing , employment schemes , and prohibition of sweated labour .
14 When the war began , he made an overland journey across Africa to get a ship back to England , where he volunteered for military service .
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