Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yes When I put on red one day , I mean I do n't think I have anything in red do I , but when I put on my clothes in the morning
2 Please pass on my congratulations to the Editor and his team for what must have been a considerable amount of sustained commitment , in producing such a high quality publication for the benefit of all members and the industry in general . ’
3 Pass on my words to the nobles for consideration .
4 I shall try to do so and also follow your suggestion of writing down my dreams at the time of waking .
5 To have continued pronouncing aloud my thoughts on the future of Darlington Hall would have been , to say the very least , presumptuous .
6 I simply say that on the debates we 've had on the Policing Bill , I 've learnt what the functions of your Noble House is all about and the speech that 's just been made from across the Chamber from me , sums up entirely my views on the matter , and I say to your Lordships House that on the basis of experience as Northern Ireland Secretary when one is a Home Secretary for a province and there 's a number of people in this House who 've had a job to do including the Noble Lord , The Noble Viscount Whitelaw who set the tone of the way we all proceeded , I accept that , the one of the things we had to do there was bring democracy back to policing and the primary force of policing is taking a long time to do and that here as Home Secretary , everything I learned there was , stop the growing centralisation and the weakening of the police authorities and police force and this Bill does exactly that But now one of the questions I 've asked myself and it 's the only point because all the points have been made that I really want to ask the Government is what are these appointees for ?
7 So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding , and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat which had intrigued me .
8 But in August , as the selectors were putting together their plans for the winter , I started saying to Gatt : ‘ Why the bloody hell has he got that end , I want it . ’
9 ( 9 ) In Stage 2 , schools are assisted in putting together their orders by the organisation of book displays at the county library and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms in London .
10 He saw only its remnants in the unenclosed heaths .
11 The companies , which were ordered to close down their operations in the reserves , have been found by Friends of the Earth to trade with several British importers including James Latham and Richard Burbridge .
12 Oh Lord who to see that all the world , we thank thee for those who fought and those who laid down their lives in the cause of righteousness and freedom .
13 Yadav and Pope ( 1992b ) considered the suggestion that , when the index is rising , market makers will run down their holdings of the shares in which they make a market , and when the index is falling they will increase their holding of such shares .
14 It 's an annual ritual for the National Trust , as they close down their properties for the winter break .
15 Then I 'd remember the hareem at their dawn prayers , standing , bowing , kneeling , bowing down their heads to the flat surface of their prayer mats .
16 Though , doubtless , man has always been a jackdaw , a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles , the recognition of ephemera as a legitimate and respectable sphere of collecting is a comparatively modern phenomenon , its devotees now having their own Society and special sales organised by reputable auctioneers who not long ago would have looked down their noses at the trivia they are now , in the name of Mammon , glad to catalogue .
17 Of course , this problem could be eased by reducing the number of constituencies in Scotland and Wales , but since Labour has overwhelming strength in Wales and majority support in Scotland , the idea of cutting down their representatives in the Commons did not appeal to a Labour Government .
18 Furthermore their activities at the rarefied levels of Petrograd and Moscow often had very little impact , either at the time or subsequently , on the masses and on provincial life .
19 Employees and friends are invited to take along their pots as the Wedgwood Museum staff will also be on hand to date and identify pieces .
20 In their first ever joint statement , the heads of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Ireland condemned the IRA 's actions as barbaric and inhuman , while in Dublin the Irish Senate heard an impassioned plea for the IRA to lay down its arms from the father of an Enniskillen bombing victim , Gordon Wilson .
21 SINN Fein today dismissed a demand from two senior MPs for the party to call on the IRA to lay down its arms in the wake of the Warrington bomb outrage .
22 The fact that the Institute was setting down its objectives for the first time was seen as ‘ a move in the right direction ’ .
23 So their performances in the short term will reflect that .
24 So which sons of the kingdom is he talking about ?
25 So which members of the Cabinet feel the need for his curative foot massage ?
26 Apparently his efforts with the kitchen range had finally paid off .
27 I wish to underline his support for the United Nations in the new world order that everyone talks so much about these days , and especially his comments about the British Council , the work of the council , and the BBC World Service .
28 A Thames waterman would take his grandson , on his Sunday visits , out on his lighter , handing down his skills to the fifth generation to work on the river : ‘ he was one of those methodical old fellows who live quietly , and never get ruffled . ’
29 It was a pre-emptive strike against attempts to rewrite and water down his proposals in the months ahead .
30 She who could call a lame youth to her and support him with her invisible grace while he laid down his crutches on the steps of her altar , why doubt that she could turn the leaves of a Gospel , and guide a faithful finger to the words her will required ?
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