Example sentences of "[pron] always get [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Virtually what it did it came out of the last parish council 's conference which I attended on your behalf and er the Director of Planning and Development , Colin promised to lay on a seminar for parish councillors because it seems to be the one service which always gets criticism at the parish council 's conference .
2 You always get damage at front of tape .
3 You always get trouble with them in psychological tests , cos you either use terms which nobody knows what they mean , or you use terms which people have meanings for and that 's not what you actually mean by them .
4 But then again you see you always get trouble in an in another one .
5 A. T. You always got respect from the people on the ground .
6 So what we 've got to say to the County Council I would suggest is that this is a training course similar to those we always got release for branch officials and shop stewards so why should you turn your nose up at this training course ?
7 Every month , we got this cost of living , course it did n't er it did n't er fluctuate like it did in more recent years , but it was a safeguard and we always got increases on top of that like piece work increase and and er it it was a it was a good union , it you know .
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