Example sentences of "[pron] always [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I always stick to the limits and am not a boy racer , ’ he said .
2 knock and shove me but I always get in the way .
3 I always looked for the sounds ; whether it was musically correct or not did n't bother me , but it had to have a certain sound to it . ’
4 I always looked for the kitemark when I was buying things .
5 ‘ Marginally , perhaps , but I always come by the street and pick up uncle 's paper from the newsagent on my way . ’
6 Stephen prefers my cooking , so for dinner parties I always go to the kitchen and help .
7 Mr Sullivan said : ‘ The gallery owner , Martin Ainscough , is a good friend of mine and I always go to the private viewings because I am a big modern art collector .
8 So , when I was at , I always go to the fucking front , I do n't care who it is .
9 I always fear for the fingers of the Portuguese works who feed these strips through the punching machines that make the corks , deftly guiding faults in the strip away from the cutter .
10 ‘ For 30 years I always painted on the spot , even in deep snow .
11 I always helped with the sausages .
12 I always cry at the doctor 's , have done for years .
13 I always abide by the old saying , ‘ Do n't get mad , get even . ’ ’
14 I always stayed in the Beverly Hills Hotel .
15 I always plough through the endless wastes of ‘ Publications of the Week ’ and wonder if they really meant ‘ Publications of the Month ’ .
16 I always work with the same people , so that it is a nice atmosphere , ’ he explains of his well-trained cadre .
17 Sometimes actually I think ‘ Oh I 'd like to go back to work ’ — to be in that hubbub — because I always worked in the West End and there was something about the atmosphere — being dressed all day …
18 I always talk to the ferrets while the muzzles are put in place and try to ensure that they are never frightened .
19 Both pieces of equipment had obviously been rebuilt with meticulous and loving care and shone with glossy new paint of the dark green picked out with gold which I always associate with the more impressive railway engines .
20 But whenever I am in the United States , or near an American Center in Kyoto , Paris or Seoul , I always look at the Washington , DC telephone directory and seek out Dana 's name , address and number .
21 I always look at the houses as I walk by them .
22 I always look at the houses as I walk past , and I see a lot of things odder than that , but it 's not my business , is it ?
23 Oh they 're just beginning to be I always feel by the time they 're eight weeks
24 I always say to the kids , ‘ Just marry who you fall in love with , as long as you 're happy ’ . ’
25 I always objected to the idea that everything is predetermined and that we have no choice .
26 I always travel by the Underground .
27 I always start at the fillet end and work towards the knuckle .
28 I always start at the top .
29 I always start at the back so there 's nothing else .
30 I always start with the same line : ‘ Mr President , Mr Chairman , distinguished guests , gentlemen , 18-handicap golfers , vagrants , vagabonds , tramps , plebs and solicitors , welcome to everyone .
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