Example sentences of "[pron] came up with the " in BNC.

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1 It 's much like a DYPP , and should really have been called DXPP , but someone came up with the name Tech-Tech first ( on the other hand , just try to pronounce DXPP ! ) .
2 But 180 years ago in America someone came up with the idea of a Temperance Society .
3 You also had to maintain things , so I came up with the figure of thirty-one .
4 And so I came up with the following idea , which works extremely well for me .
5 I came up with the idea of having a sale .
6 But one way or another , somebody came up with the full table d'hôte : safe havens , roadnames and the paperwork to back them up .
7 is the aim , what , I mean somebody came up with the aim , in actual fact , despite whatever else you might be doing , whatever politics were behind it , the aim was to prevent AIDS no matter what you were doing , and not to have any kind of prejudice against what you were doing as long as the aim
8 The design of the cap badge had been the result of a competition which was won by Sergeant Bob Tait who came up with the winged dagger emblem .
9 Tim Kaihatsu wrote quite a lot — in fact , he was the one who came up with the most material .
10 It was Alistair Bruce who came up with the idea .
11 It was Shelley who came up with the aggressive sounding Boadicea .
12 His wife Jackie , 30 , said : ‘ It was the salesman who came up with the price and they have signed a contract .
13 Likewise David Hart , General Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers , who came up with the poetic gem : ‘ The Council is being made more and more the poodle of centralised government . ’
14 YOUR reader who came up with the old nonsense about teachers ' holidays obviously knows nothing about the job .
15 The extra performance on the Tuesday in aid of the new cancer day-care ward at Whiston Hospital raised three hundred pounds and special thanks go to Betty who came up with the original idea and everyone involved who organized the marvellous spread for the soiree afterwards .
16 Despite that success , the playwright had difficulty raising the money to bring the comedy into the West End , although the backer who came up with the all-important £1,000 needed to clinch the deal was able to retire to a South Sea island on his share of the profits .
17 Even if she came up with the money , Clive was not about to hand over a bag in the open .
18 She came up with the placement centre at Heenan House , which was part of the St Joseph 's Hospice for the Dying in Hackney .
19 She came up with the wonderfully whacky idea of the Cabinet all being drug smugglers . ’
20 Checking her skirt pockets , she came up with the car keys .
21 Yes , and Boxing night , she came up with the , er , the same e enormous breakfast , enormous lunch , do you think I might have two lightly boiled eggs wi with er soldiers ?
22 Well I remember Jackie telling me , she came back from sh she came up to meet me in London one day and she came up with the woman , a German woman , who at that time was a buyer for Army and Navy er women 's fashions and this woman said that the model girls who are so thin she said they 're always bursting into tears and crying because they 're under such stress to keep their weight down and their boyfriends do n't like it because the girls are are lovely to have on their arms to take out , you know everybody sort of goggles , you know , lovely slim girl with yellow half way down her back etc. but , in fact , these girls get very , very ratty !
23 We came up with the idea of attaching nose rings to all our players and getting someone in the kop to give a hefty tug when necessary .
24 But no , Bill then gave them another chance and another meeting , this time 120 skaters went along , and they came up with the following ramps : 20ft wide 6ft tall spine ramp , with the spine itself being 12 ft wide [ the other 8ft bit being platform ] , and another 12 ft wide mini ramp , plus street stuff like fun boxes etc .
25 They came up with the man with the staff at last .
26 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates reportedly came up with an ingenious solution when he was romancing venture capitalist Ann Winblad : observing that the same movies are usually playing at the same time all over America , they came up with the Virtual Date — they 'd each go alone to the same movie at the same time , and discuss it afterwards on their car phones .
27 They came up with the ‘ base force ’ — a ready-for-action assembly of 1.6m men , 12 army divisions , three marine divisions , 12 aircraft carriers and 15 wings ( groups of squadrons ) of tactical aircraft — as the minimum needed to meet the challenges of the post-cold-war world .
28 They came up with the Militant Clergy Association , which is understood to be moderate , and the Militant Clerics Society , which is described as left-wing fundamentalist .
29 They came up with the idea , what did the form teacher do ?
30 MEMBERS of Southport Branch 's Service Circle each won 50 Ovations when they came up with the idea to give printed appointment cards to customers .
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