Example sentences of "[pron] went [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I 'd had the feeling before , a bit , the first couple of times I went up on the End , it was that much closer to the spindle .
2 Until 1978 that is , when we had the first and last National Conference in this country and after spending about three days cooking rice and feeling very exhausted , I went up on the platform to speak on behalf of Chi lean women and I was made to shut up .
3 With me there , but he 'd be aboard the dumb hopper and I 'd be aboard the dredger and I remember one man , he turned round , his name was ex naval man he was and er I went round on the Sunday morning and he did n't speak to me on the Saturday .
4 One Sunday Joe and I went out on the marshes , as usual , to study together .
5 Well now , during this twelve months I went out on the beats etcetera , I just merely picked it up , if I was in doubt about anything my sergeant would put me right and the atmosphere , the amount of discipline was quite severe , for instance , I always , we had always to parade at least ten minutes before the hour to be acquainted with what had happened since we were last on duty .
6 near Kettering , Don went to er Northampton and then finally I went to Rushden and er I 'd been there about a year and all of a sudden there was a call in for Shorteners at so I went down on the bike and er what er the one over me who , who was elderly , well was n't over me but he was er he was on my job but the senior man on it he come in , the boss had sent him in to have a look cos the er Shorteners were complaining , and er then they rang up for one of us , he said well I 'm not leaving till I 've solved this problem so I had to go .
7 When I came back , cos I went in on the way to the hairdresser 's , to find out about it , and I thought I 'd buy him on the way back , when I went back it was still sitting in the same place with its tail hanging out of the back .
8 When I went back on the Wednesday , Miss Hale , the Headmistress of the Infants ' School asked why I had been absent .
9 Then I became allergic to Durex so I went back on the Pill , a different one .
10 I went back on the c
11 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
12 A sign which went up on the Raiders ' dressing-room door after the match , advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome , bore witness to the visitors ' touchiness about defeat , though at least they did not follow Manly 's example and grumble about the referee .
13 A memo by a lieutenant-colonel on the staff ( whose signature is illegible ) to the Director of Military Operations at MEHQ gives an insight into what was in the pipeline for L Detachment , ‘ which went out on the last operation hurriedly and ill organised .
14 You went well on the young ladies !
15 She went up on the hills or down to the beach .
16 She followed Martin and Clelia into the house , and drank , eventually , a large gin and tonic , and then she went home on the bus , and when she got home she was suddenly and violently sick .
17 So today at RAF Lyneham they made sure everything went right on the ground before they got in the air .
18 Everything went through on the nod .
19 We went home on the Friday evening of the move and turned up a few days later and just started work — it was great ! ’
20 And they were diffic To start them off , we went in on the Thursday , Thursday morning , and we had to fit all these things together and make 'em work , you see ?
21 And then we went down on the floor and he went over to Bernard and he says , och !
22 Would you mind if we went out on the terrace for a moment . ’
23 We went out on the cricket pitch one night , and this poor fellow just ran and ran .
24 Even after I mean , as I say , we went out on the Wednesday and he said , all I need is for you to do this book again for me .
25 They went out on the beach .
26 In the afternoon , they went out on the moors with the cameras , and she sat crouched over the plates while the logic of the sentences fell apart completely .
27 She tells me that Jack was a real piss-head , and was always having to borrow money off her husband when they went out on the town .
28 You had to meet these people , Wilcock would explain , and thus they went off on the 31 bus to meet the Trinidadian .
29 The tide was ebbing , and they went down on the steeply shelving bed of the Conway .
30 He went over on the valuation when the pub changed hands — that was in my time — as part of the stock ! )
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