Example sentences of "[pron] went [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Refreshed , I went up on deck and looked at the waves .
2 Next , I went up on deck .
3 I helped myself , and when I had finished , I went up on deck and began sorting out the rigging .
4 Well , I suppose the Old Harry Rocks do bear a slight resemblance to the Needles , but I forgave him when I went up on deck and saw that Vigilant 's motor boat was following the yacht into Poole and had confirmed our proper position with Southampton .
5 I went up to bed last night , I was falling asleep at half nine so so you 're not watching the infidel tonight ?
6 and erm , I went up to mum 's and she 's got a load of Unique make-up , and she said if there 's anything in that bag you want it , you 'd better have it , so I said
7 The day I went up to university I left you all , country gentry all … country where my father was stifling .
8 I went up to Town today , but she was n't there … at the flat .
9 Well I thought it was when I went out and exercised the dog before lunch , I went up to Jubilee Park and eh , I had a very brisk walk indeed and I was absolutely lathered by the time I got back to the car , after half an hour .
10 No , we went to Jolly Farmer , dropped my mother in the Jolly Farmer and then I went up to Holly Cottage to collect Tim , then we went up to collect Ti Christopher
11 Oh there was quite a few pas when I past I went up for paper but I did n't call in and vote , you know ,
12 I went round to Scamp 's lock-up warehouses — he had a couple down in Woolwich in those days — and he was n't there , so I torched ‘ em .
13 And from I was a little girl I went round with Mama cleaning the house . ’
14 And when I went over to standard two , Miss was the name of the teacher with the the middle classes .
15 So I went over to thingy said oh !
16 Well this time next week of course , we 'll be in Italy getting ready for Notts against Brescia and I remember last year when I went over with Radio Derby to cover Derby County 's game against
17 I mean Adam 's lucky in that respect , I could n't smoke when I was pregnant , I , it made me feel sick , I could n't stand the smell of it , I had no urge to smoke at all , I went right off smoking , I respect , I was lucky , but I do feel sorry for these people that smoking at present cos it must be ever so hard .
18 No you don't. because er I naturally I went away to work but er I was born here and er you see and , and wh what else did you want ?
19 Only I went away to work then aye and er was n't coming home very often .
20 I went away to university and made some new friends , and John and I finished .
21 I got Jake to lie , and say I went away on holiday earlier than I did . ’
22 Apart from the youngest , all my sisters left school at sixteen or so and got married shortly afterwards , whereas I went on to university .
23 I went on into Casualty .
24 Having identified this implicit feature of the debate in Part I , I went on in Part II to ask how the holist approach has fared : how powerful and wide-ranging are the holist explanations currently proposed by social scientists ?
25 Then I went on in Arabic : ‘ You 'll be sorry .
26 I went straight to bed but , of course I did n't know that my uncle was n't home . ’
27 I went straight from school to the Inland Revenue , ’ she says .
28 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
29 Not the other day , when I went home for Easter last year
30 I went home for half-term .
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