Example sentences of "[pron] 'll [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're my designs , I 'll do what the hell I like with them — ’
2 I 'll see what the fruit cup 's like . ’
3 I 'll see what the garage says .
4 Go into the art galleries along the Normandy coast and you 'll see what the local painters liked to paint , over and over again : the view north .
5 So you 'll know what the others have already said
6 We 'll see what the police 'ave to say about it , ’ he said , putting it in his pocket .
7 So we 'll see what the Eyecron does .
8 We 'll see what the village has to add . ’
9 Now we 'll see what the government does in response to er all their friends who are going bankrupt in the Lloyds er cos er that , in that scandal , on the one hand you 've got the government trying to save its neck with its forty four MPs who 've had their , had their hand in the till at the same that they 're doing that , they wo n't actually meet the just demands of people who 've worked all their lives to actually have some sort of security in the future , and that 's the ol er sort of double standards they 're gon na try and er and use to get off the hook on that one because they owe people in this country a decent , we should have the right to a decent pension and security , employment and er with this , this campaign , we should be , we should be concentrating on as a major issue for this union in the forthcoming year .
10 We 'll see what the cardiothoracic guy has to say . ’
11 well again we 'll , we 'll see what the time is like wo n't we ?
12 A decade from now we 'll wonder what the fuss was about .
13 Sorry to sound a little perverse on that issue , but I , we really wanted to have a clear indication of what you felt as District Planning Officers , er an and indeed we 'll hear what the County feel and in fact have pursued through this alteration , but can I again , just for clarification , and in fact it 's a sort of final head count , er and again I raise this in the context of P P G three paragraph thirty three , and that is the degree of acceptability , or otherwise , by the local planning authorities , erm and I only need a nod from you , or otherwise , for the record .
14 They 'll er they 'll wonder what the hell we 're playing I expect .
15 And it 's a good job it 's a woman saying that cos they 'll wonder what the hell we 're on about !
16 erm so erm yeah so , so you know kind of get in touch with the people whose work you 've missed and , and er , you know , er so at least they , when it , you know , when it does arrive they 'll know what the circumstances are so er
17 You , you know that paper I showed you the , the reason that we 're making these recordings , it says so er words , so the normal words go on the state about and so they 'll know , they 'll know what the language was , why , in the nineteen nineties
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