Example sentences of "[pron] must [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it is crucial that those already in the profession — whether students , auxiliaries , enrolled , registered or specialist nurses — have the opportunity to seek the nursing career that they desire through adequate educational facilities , which must also take account of developments such as nurse prescribing and nurse practitioners .
2 All of which must surely bring business from surrounding areas into Liverpool thereby benefitting the city and everybody .
3 The importance of good foundations is clearly seen when dealing with the growth process which must inevitably take place if marriages are to survive , let alone flourish .
4 Between 1970 and 1981 , the agricultural population of Latin America increased by 8 million persons , of whom 4 million are described as producers , 5 million as peasant farmers and 1 million as landless workers , who must therefore seek work in wage-earning occupations ( ECLAC/FAO 1985 ) .
5 You must also show improvement in a physical activity either in a team or as an individual .
6 And you must also make provision for things going wrong :
7 You must also take care that on process startup , you set the ACL with READ access to the command file created by LIFESPAN , ie. SYS$LIFESPAN : .COM .
8 This applies a sideways lift component which starts the model turning and you must immediately apply tail rotor ( rudder ) to make the fuselage follow the turn .
9 So the advice is , and I 'm not an investment advisor , it 's because of the exemption you must always take advantage of all tax exempt forms of savings before you look at anything else .
10 Alice said she would go up there with him , but first of all she must quickly ring Electricity .
11 I think that without these basic reactions art could not exist , but one can not explain art wholly in terms of these reactions ; one must also take account of our self-denials .
12 Much though I understand the worries expressed by residents of the district to be served by the hospital , one must also take account of the basis of their concern , and the misinformation which has caused their alarm .
13 To return to the second point about church growth made at the end of the second chapter , ‘ demand ’ is not the only factor in church growth ; one must also consider supply , and the Free Church was gradually coming into the position where it could service the new demand .
14 Of course this can never be true if the occupation has been entered upon for what one can get out of it — one must never expect virtue to bring a reward .
15 However , we must again take care , for though we find pleasure in following intricate counterpoints , imitations , inversions , double canons , and fugues , it is fairly certain that to the ordinary listener such music is an enigmatic confusion .
16 And we must both help Mum to do the honours .
17 For those who have relatives fighting in the Gulf we must also show support and sensitivity .
18 We must also avoid branch meetings seem like a gathering of old chums into which an outsider might be shy of intruding .
19 We must also give music its place in the crown of the arts .
20 We must also divert money from the expensive irrelevancies of poster campaigns and media triumphalism towards full-time agencies and local party-building .
21 In order properly to analyse the performance of the firm , we must also take account of these considerations .
22 We must also take note of the variety of heroin career patterns amongst the 61 respondents .
23 He also emphasised that future spending must be reduced below current levels if the company is to remain profitable at low oil prices : ‘ We must also preserve cash so that we can fund further ventures for the company , ’ he added .
24 Labour was the greatest input , but we must also remember manure , especially if the area was cropped annually .
25 We must always take care to safeguard the law against the assaults of opportunism , the expediency of the passing hour , the erosion of small encroachments , and the scorn and derision of those who have no patience with general principles .
26 We must never separate incarnation and atonement .
27 For we must never lose sight of the fact that the issues involved are moral ones ; and that though doctors may be experts in medicine , they are no more competent or qualified to speak on moral issues than you or I.
28 But at the same time we must never lose sight of our over-riding duty to win elections ’ ( emphasis added ) .
29 We must never lose sight of what a tremendous weapon being cost competitive is for ensuring the survival of jobs and businesses . ’
30 But there is no getting away from the fact that we must still use water wisely . ’
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