Example sentences of "[pron] were [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Marius and I were chosen by the rest of the group to finish off punishing him .
2 Firstly , the analysis helped to distinguish those requirements of the task which were influenced by the specific nature of the problem from the more general requirement of searching a large problem space .
3 The little money that was needed to pay state taxes and church tithes and to fund festivals , was obtained from the sale of cotton lengths , which were made by the women .
4 The system of private ownership , and the profits which were made by the captains , made it very probable that the command would go to a friend of the owner , or , since many of the ships were owned by partnerships , to one of the actual proprietors of the vessel .
5 Robert Roberts also recorded the objections of working class parents in Manchester to the preliminary investigations regarding eligibility for free school meals , which were made by the school attendance officers , ‘ men of little education and known authoritarianism ’ .
6 The old breeds which were absorbed by the MRY included the red pied Hollander of North Holland which a century ago made up 7 per cent of the country 's herd ; the red-and-white Zeeland at 4 per cent ( a Zeeland type is shown in Paul Potter 's painting , The Young Bull ) ; the Drentish from Over-yssel ( 1.5 per cent ) , which was very similar to the Ayrshire of Scotland ; and the red-pied dairy Furnes-Ambacht of Flanders .
7 The result echoed two straw polls which were conducted by the Herald earlier in the month .
8 But , in those terms , taking the very wide range of social systems which were studied by the first generation of British social anthropologists as a model ( the list includes the Trobrianders , the Tikopia , the Bemba , the Tswana , the Azande , the Nuer , the Nupe , and the Tallensi among others ) , is it possible to formulate a useful stereotype of what this notional entity " a primitive society " or " a savage ( wild ) society " is like ?
9 Thus , while these enlightened times continued , there existed little of the prejudice and fanaticism which were engendered by the Crusades .
10 and the interest rate to 10.5 per cent. , the tax burden on business has been lightened , there is a pay review body for teachers and better standards and choice for parents — all of which were opposed by the Labour party .
11 In talks on Oct. 10 between the governing coalition parties and the opposition Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's proposals to amend Article 16 of the Constitution in order to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers ( which were opposed by the opposition Social Democratic Party — SPD — as well as by the coalition Free Democratic Party — FDP ) were rejected .
12 Development plans by government agencies which were opposed by the Park would require parliamentary approval .
13 Hawke won the ballot by 66 votes to 44 , but the allegations concerning his judgment and honesty which were highlighted by the challenge left him politically damaged [ see p. 38294 ; for Hawke 's eventual defeat by Keating see p. 38675 ] .
14 Asked in the House of Commons about the allegations , which were repeated by the Sunday Times , UK Prime Minister John Major said that there was no evidence that any country other than Libya was involved in the bombing .
15 A report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education in 1931 ( The Primary School ) contained words which were repeated by the Plowden Report in 1967 , " What a wise and good parent would desire for his own children , that a nation must desire for all children . "
16 Instead they considered the solution to be composed of areas containing polymer which were separated by the solvent .
17 Members were represented by their heads of state , except for Cameroon and Chad , which were represented by the Minister of foreign Affairs and the Minister of Trade and Industry respectively .
18 This sentiment appeared to be accurately echoed in the terms of reference of the enquiry into primary school methods which were announced by the Secretary of State in December 1991 .
19 The fact that Smith 's work appeared in print 15 years previously raised suspicions which were strengthened by the judge 's comments on the remarkable similarity between the two entries .
20 The EC measures , which were criticized by the ANC , appeared to clear the way for a resumption of exports of iron , steel and krugerrands .
21 The Irminsul was laden with rich sacrificial offerings of wealth , which were plundered by the Franks .
22 Pollution control is administered in England and Wales by Regional Water Authorities which were created by the Water Act , 1973 .
23 But it is important to appreciate the sorts of conventions which were adopted by the engravers of coin dies in their attempts to represent three-dimensional structures on a two-dimensional plane .
24 As far as articles 52 and 59 were concerned , that was apparent from the general programmes which were adopted by the Council of the European Communities on 18 December 1961 .
25 Chiswick experienced some changes in 1962 , one of which was the withdrawal of all the trolley-buses , which were replaced by the very popular Routemaster buses .
26 The leading case on the requirement of reasonableness arose , not under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , but under the earlier provisions of the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 which were replaced by the 1977 Act .
27 Fortunately the seat cushions and some of the bodies which were examined by the RAF consultant pathologist attached to the AIB investigating team were ultimately shown to contain identifiable products of the explosion , but when the pathologist was about to commence examination of another body it was identified and , without further ado , removed for burial .
28 In the wake of the Seebohm Report ( 1968 ) there was extended debate both of potential definitions of specialist and generic and of the specific interpretations which were intended by the Report .
29 As Lord Diplock said in Ashington Piggeries : The " description " by which unascertained goods are sold is , in my view , confined to those words in the contract which were intended by the parties to identify the kind of goods which were to be supplied .
30 Details of the assaults , which were compiled by the US Army Criminal Investigation Command and reported in the press on July 21 , showed that , as had been the case in the Tailhook incident , the military authorities had discouraged victims from lodging official complaints and had shown a reluctance to investigate in instances where an official complaint had been filed .
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