Example sentences of "[pron] were [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 It was as if I were doing him a big favour .
2 How would he manage if someone were to hand him a cup of coffee , or to offer him a biscuit ?
3 So even if somebody were to offer us a piece which they would n't I 'm sure , a piece of old medieval furniture , we would n't take it .
4 ‘ Just one , ’ she said graciously , managing to make it sound as though she were doing him a big favour .
5 No , I thought she were giving them a pound and then taking change off them , she were getting change off them or summat were n't she .
6 She give us all these , like diseases and we had to learn parrot learn them the definition for them cos she were giving us a test on them .
7 He started living lavishly and tried to extort more and more money from the government who were paying him a tax-free pension of $1,050 a month .
8 ‘ If you were to give me a ha'penny I might tell you different ’
9 You were pushing it a bit today , Fran .
10 This afternoon you came to my office as if you were doing me a favour .
11 Now you were doing it a very neat way , a quick way , of doing it all in one go , were n't you ?
12 As their heads disappeared under a pile of plaster of paris and alginate we were shown what a relatively simple and inexpensive process this was .
13 If we were paying them a salary then of course it 's up to us whether we have them at sitting at home doing nothing , they would n't they 'd soon get bored with it .
14 As Coleman 's real job was to file back-channel reports on the operations of DEA Nicosia , the DIA was hardly likely to have told Hurley that they were lending him a full-time agent .
15 But , there are ways of checking , yo you can you can , obviously compare words and then perhaps you can er invariably time about the situations and draw your own conclusions as to whether they were telling you a lie earlier on .
16 They were sending us a message . ’
17 Whether that was down to the powers that be I do n't know ; perhaps they were teaching me a lesson for daring to complain about where I was put .
18 Cos , they was telling us about the weave for the white people and they were showing us a booklet and the
19 So did did they think they were doing themselves a disservice then when they , maybe when they amalgamated , or when they became part of the boilermakers , or when the boilermakers started taking in various trades to approach the employers as a as a a black squad unit for wage rises and conditions and so on , or did they they Would they have preferred to have done it themselves do you think ?
20 It 's funny how er th trends change , but that was a was quite a common occurrence was that , men feeling ashamed of what they 'd got but trying er er in terms of these magazines giving them as if they were doing you a favour .
21 They were saying what a stupid series it was , how ridiculous the character was , and it would n't get beyond the first episode .
22 They were keeping it a secret and they were going to take him some place where they sold parrots .
23 Even after five years they were finding it a bit difficult in Oxford , you see , a bit sticky .
24 And , and of course needlework , but erm they were mainly the , I suppose they were giving you a good er grounding as they 'd call it in those days .
25 That same day he told me , as if he were giving me a magnificent present , that he thought he could pull strings and have me posted with him .
26 His lips even moved a little , as if he were giving himself a consultation .
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