Example sentences of "[pron] had be [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
2 There had been a long struggle .
3 There had been a long time when he had been surrounded by wire and bars .
4 However , there had been a long and consistent course of dealing which was adhered to on this occasion .
5 There had been a long list of such casualties in Libby 's life , this was just another .
6 There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer ; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession ; the final humiliation of accepting , because she was too inert to refuse , money from Rachel .
7 She did not know what sort of oddness to imagine , but they had been a long time and there had been peculiar noises .
8 It had been a long time living in a hole in the ground , let's hope things get better .
9 It had been a long time since we last saw one of those , so we bought ice cream , sat in the sun and wrote postcards at the Reykjahlid shop .
10 It had been a long hot day on the farm where I help my father with his large dairy herd .
11 It had been a long , slow journey from Odessa and although it was already 1am there were still many more official forms to fill out before their new life in Israel could begin .
12 It had been a long ride to an enclosure full of low single-storeyed huts of corrugated iron with cinder paths around , and all set in a large flat field of sparse greying grass .
13 It had been a long walk so far , and it was n't over .
14 It had been a long time since he had felt like that .
15 It had been a long day . ’
16 He then telephoned Nigel 's relations for me , for which I was most grateful — it had been a long day .
17 It was a dream , it had been a long time since Hari had seen her mother smile for the death of her husband had knocked all the spirit out of Win Morgan .
18 Because of the ancient feud with the Dwarfs , it had been a long time since any High Elf had set foot on the Old World .
19 It had been a long , tiring business and his hands were sore and chafed from the ropes .
20 It had been a long day — twelve hours with Mobuto , eight of those in the United Nations building where Mobuto and his entourage had spent the day .
21 It had been a long time since anyone had enjoyed rubbing cream into her back .
22 She reached for her silk dressing gown and pulled it on ; she felt good , it had been a long time since she had awoken feeling so alive .
23 It had been a long time since she had had to stop herself simply blowing away an enemy that she found herself unable to either maim or restrain .
24 It had been a long , tiring day … first this big house to be cleaned , then the uphill trek to church and Sunday service ; next came the lunch , which took hours to prepare and only minutes to devour ; this was followed by the inevitable mountain of washing up .
25 It had been a long day .
26 It was for a party in one of the upstairs rooms , but it had been a long time ago .
27 Billie was fast asleep ; it had been a long and boring trip for someone crammed in the back .
28 Blast , it had been a long night .
29 It had been a long , long day .
30 And God , it had been a long one : Simon Franks , Maggie Parkin , Jane Pargeter , David Parkin .
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