Example sentences of "[pron] had [verb] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I wished I had got in first by telling her I no longer found her sexually attractive .
2 As for Meredith , she forgot about him once she had ventured at last into the supermarket .
3 Mrs Bottomley said that in her South-West Surrey constituency she had heard at first hand many stories of personal anguish , crisis and despair in the last hard year .
4 Let's go and see it , he had said , and she had recoiled at first .
5 " My sons told me you lost your wife in a swimming accident four years ago , Monsieur Devraux , " she had said at last , speaking quietly in French .
6 " Confound it , Lovat , " she had said upon first setting eyes on Topaz .
7 Clare remembered how she had seemed at first to be constrained in all her movements and jerky , almost as if her stammer manifested itself through her body as well .
8 He was altogether too handsome , she had thought at first .
9 She would like to get her own back for that row she had got into last October .
10 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
11 She seemed calm enough but the fit she had thrown on first wakening was fresh in his mind .
12 He had ‘ guested ’ for the Palace effectively during the 1st World War and proved his ability in the best possible way for Northampton Town against us in the two seasons immediately after it so , when Manager Edmund Goodman needed a duality centre-forward to replace Bert Menlove , who had moved to 1st Division Sheffield United in March 1922 , he acted with decision and haste .
13 Above right : British hopeful Ben Moon , who had to settle for fifth place .
14 But the 14-year-old , who had lost in last year 's finals , did n't really need it .
15 My friend of the South coast of England days , a Corporal Chauvet , informed me in his usual quiet manner that the two Troops of French Commandos , numbering almost two-hundred men , who had landed on 6th June were now , due to casualties , down to about sixty-seven men .
16 At this stage , Herbert , who had started in 26th place at the back of the grid , was up to seventh place following a superb drive .
17 During the Autumn Term of 1981 a Memorial Service was held for Mr. A. Johnston , who had died on 22nd July .
18 If your household is likely to expand in any way it might be cheaper in the long run to buy a larger model than the more modest affair you had thought of first .
19 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
20 A chance , too , perhaps , to sort out the business deal they had talked about last week .
21 He quickly realised that , tactically , the situation at Verdun was not quite as desperate as it had seemed at first sight .
22 It had happened at last !
23 The urine sample taken from the colt after he had trailed in 10th , 23 lengths behind stable-mate Commander In Chief , proved negative when analysed by the Horseracing Forensic Laboratory .
24 Waving a fist at the camera , Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last .
25 When he recalled how he had felt on first seeing her he had to push the sinful thoughts out of his mind .
26 The Frenchman 's dark aquiline features and unsmiling silences made him think of history-book pictures he 'd seen of the warrior heroes of ancient Greece and Rome , and the dismay he had felt at first when their car had struck the Annamese villager had increased his sense of awe .
27 One of the leading dissidents reflected the wider view , when Winston Churchill thanked Mr Heseltine for the ‘ considerable distance ’ he had travelled since last year .
28 True , he had struggled at first to satisfy his beautiful young bride ; he had been too long a bachelor and too set in his ways .
29 Shelby did n't like Ferrari ; like plenty of others before and after , he had experienced at first hand Enzo Ferrari 's withering contempt for lesser mortals .
30 But what he had taken at first for raindrops on the wagon floor were actually pennies , halfpennies and farthings scattered everywhere .
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