Example sentences of "[pron] had [verb] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 I had to do something about it .
2 I kept this dark secret for 15 years — but when it started happening in front of the children , I knew I had to do something about it .
3 I realized I had to do something about it myself .
4 With the onset in the later stages of unmistakable labour pains in my lower abdomen all doubts were resolved and I knew I had to do something about it .
5 Now I had to do something about Mary-Claude 's family , because after Emerson 's broadcast , they started getting calls as well .
6 year but the end result came when the two children did get took into foster care erm , that 's when I realized that it was a problem and I had to do something about it .
7 Because I had taught him about it you know , from coming from .
8 See why I had to remind her about the driving license ?
9 I wished I had said nothing about Jordi .
10 She asked why I had said nothing about that accident on the bypass , or seeing Old Red and General Francis on my holiday .
11 I think of another man , to whom I had said something about Jesus Christ while marching down alongside him to an army parade !
12 Really , I had heard something about him being involved in some ‘ group ’ .
13 I had heard something about it once or seen it on a map , but I could remember nothing definite .
14 My parents both died before I left the School of Italian Studies so I had heard nothing about my family for over ten years .
15 Oh , and he asked if I 'd ever seen Angy having any kind of disagreement with anyone and I had to tell him about that little contretemps with Mr Willard and young Godfrey Mellish . ’
16 I had to tell her about my day .
17 Then I had to tell her about the visit — about most of it — from Sergia and her cohorts .
18 I was afraid to speak to these important people but I had to tell them about the danger .
19 I had to tell you about the risk , but I 've done this operation on bitches who were older than Sandy , and they were all successful . ’
20 Why had she nearly fainted when I had told her about the letter ?
21 I had learned something about the protest vote .
23 nobody 'd told him , and then when I got in touch with him erm he said no nobody had told him about it .
24 Somebody had said something about that earlier .
25 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
26 Yeah , somebody had told us about a place to go to , asking the bloody earth they were !
27 More significantly , the Government yesterday made the biggest effort yet to defuse the row by saying the two Central Office officials ' visit had been cleared by the Tory chairman , Sir Norman Fowler , but Major himself had known nothing about it .
28 ‘ When I picked her up from the station , she had asked me about you and Nigger before we got into Berkeley .
29 She had asked him about the planet .
30 His generosity had got her out of gaol , and she had misled him about her sailing ability .
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