Example sentences of "[pron] had [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I knew I had a drink problem .
2 I knew I had a drink problem — even my sister said I was an alcoholic .
3 well I had a Triumph Herald once upon a time , everything with that was bolted on
4 I had a singing day one !
5 I had a parting question for him .
6 I had a hernia operation last year in Darlington Memorial Hospital and can not speak too highly of the staff and my treatment .
7 I flew the Corsair down to Stansted and after landing the chap in charge of fuel allocations asked me if I had a cheque card .
8 If I had a fairy godmother — please , make G.P. twenty years younger .
9 I had a cartilage operation three and a half years ago , and I went in for a tackle just before Christmas and damaged it again .
10 On one occasion I had a panic attack .
11 I had a panic attack , I told her , I said I 'm shaking all over .
12 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
13 I had a customer friend high on Epsom Downs whose garden was the admiration of everyone — the passengers on the buses at the stop outside had a grandstand view .
14 To cut the housing I had a tungsten carbide cutter ground to 90 degrees inclusive , because as purchased it was not cutting exactly at 45 degrees .
15 I had a window seat .
16 Yes , I know , yes but I mean it 's interesting at lunch time I had a , I had a working lunch with someone and a month after we had finished all the work and stuff , we got on to a whole pile of other things and , and I was talking about some of the -ists and one of the -ists I was talking about was feminism and how I 'd been in an amazing meeting a few weeks ago where you know I used that word and the women , it was all a meeting with women , the women there had absolutely freaked at the use of the word feminism and feminists .
17 I had a Lotus Mermaid 350 pond pump for 2½ years , and recently it stopped working .
18 We spotted our first reindeer lying down in a hollow by the roadside some distance ahead and , as I had a telephoto lens on the camera , the others encouraged me to have a go at stalking it .
19 I wish I had a cakey Mum .
20 A fortnight or so after I had dictated it in October 1971 , I had a telephone call from Harold Wilson to know whether I had read Wigg 's memoirs , and was I aware of the very personal attacks on him and Marcia Williams ?
21 So that 's me got four and I 've got another five to do and I had a telephone call from field controller in Edinburgh last night and I really do think I do n't know how I managed to keep my tongue still .
22 At about half past eleven I had a telephone call — I was in bed but I have an extension in my room for emergencies .
23 Only this weekend , I had a telephone call from a distressed daughter who pointed out that her mother , who was widowed 18 months ago , had just received a threatening letter saying that , if she did not pay £11 for the 16 days between 1 April and 17 April 1989 , during which her husband had been alive , poinding action would be taken against her .
24 Well thank you Chairman , I have to go back to last Wednesday afternoon , when I had a telephone call from a reporter from the Eastern Daily Press asking me to make a statement on the press release by Suffolk County Council stating that the Bungay bypass has been abandoned well Chairman I have to say that I was somewhat erm put out , because I did I disappoint I think because they , the Highway Department did n't have the courtesy to inform me first , and you can well imagine how I felt er having received this news .
25 Just before Christmas I had a telephone conversation with your factor , Mr. Findlay .
26 I had a satellite mirror found in a quarry , and took i used this It was a mould for this to get it a perfect parabolic shape .
27 About three months ago , my husband and I had a celebration dinner in town .
28 Yeah yeah yeah I had a shilling pocket money and out of that I saved up for a bike .
29 I wish I had a video camera to tape your pretty head .
30 No if I had a video camera do you think anyone would dare to do that ?
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