Example sentences of "[pron] they be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The Law Society and The Bar have today finalised an alternative package of measures which they are urging the government to accept in place of the Lord Chancellor 's proposed cuts to legal aid eligibility , which the Society calculates could mean that up to 12 million people would be unable to afford legal aid .
2 IT Division is organising the 1991 JFIT Conference at UMIST on the 9th–11th July with the primary aim of discussing objectives of the JFIT programmes and they way in which they are meeting the requirements of users .
3 The theme of the 1991 JFIT Conference is ‘ steering research towards user requirements ’ and the main aim of the Conference will be to discuss the objectives of the programmes funded under JFIT and assess the ways in which they are meeting the requirements of the users .
4 To illustrate the type of problems encountered and the extent to which they are overcome the process of forward planning of student numbers is chosen as a test case .
5 The Secretary of State may , having regard to section 2 of this Act , give directions to the Group as to the manner in which they are to implement the disposal programme generally or in any case specified in the directions .
6 So people have been forced to look at the way in which they are doing the work in er conjunction with er the manual for whatever other book of rules they have I wished they 'd do they carry out their work .
7 if it 's just like one exam or two exams that they 've failed or they 've been ill for or they 've missed or something they 're offered the opportunity to sit those in September then we have another exam board in September
8 When people are feeling wound up , there are different things that can unleash the barbed remark : another small demand for their attention , a lost key , not being taken seriously enough by the person to whom they are cataloguing the disasters of the day , or TOO MUCH NOISE .
9 He tells me they 're running The Churchill Years again .
10 Between them they were carrying the sixth figure — the limp , white faced form of Brett Grant .
11 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
12 Well I would the only thing I can say in this is this cash , I know they said they 'd get it got in the piggy bank before the poll tax , but as they keep shouting about they 've got to put the poll tax up , they 've got no money , they they 're putting the staff off and one thing and another .
13 Yes I must say I , I personally sympathy with that I mean I think that erm , women 's er role is er very much despised and disparaged it should be because if you think about it they 're having the children and bringing them up , well this is one of the most worthwhile things to do
14 That does n't satisfy campaigners who fear the development of what they 're calling the M418 will bring increased traffic and more — this is a site bought by Esso to build what the protestors fear will be a motorway service station .
15 This is the culmination of a campaign to mobilise white opinion against President de Klerk 's reforms , and to launch what they 're calling the third freedom struggle of the Boer Nation .
16 But they want you to use the graph and that 's what they 're giving the marks for .
17 And erm also in what they 're saying the intimacy of their self-dissuasions .
18 It depends on what they are organise the things they need .
19 ‘ No one can remember what they were doing the day Angela Brickell disappeared . ’
20 What they 're actually doing is they 're affirming to themselves they 're verbalising the performance improvement or the performance they 're going to give .
21 It labelled them as personal opinion and suggested that in future the press question everything said at any time by DEC staff , no matter how high ranking , to assure themselves they are getting the company line .
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