Example sentences of "[pron] they [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And erm I they had to have a couple of I mean I think
2 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
3 There h have been cases where the person 's back muscles have pulled up so tight that their they 've formed an arch .
4 No they were , that 's what they were were n't it when it all happened , the old Revered somebody or other , they wilful murder but erm yeah basically it does n't seem like , there was no real evidence as to who erm fired first and there was no conclusion that the about that , but they were certainly I R A gunmen , para 's , its like without a doubt if you know some people , but like with those high powered weapons they may , alright its unfortunately that somebody may have got shot , but it may not of been the main shot , that may , may of been a ricochet or , or anything like that , both their they 've got a killing range of up to three mile so one mate come round , he says he 's gon na come round again tomorrow and have a look at it
5 One can imagine someone in a room looking at a beautiful painting , drinking in the details and the way in which they combine to constitute the lovely whole , and there being nothing beyond this observer and the object of his contemplation .
6 Their leaders immediately launched a campaign against the agreement which they felt gave the adherents of the Pope a foothold in the government of their territory .
7 Both in the Forum Report ( New Ireland Forum 1983–4 : xii ) and in their written submission ( Irish Episcopal Conference 1984 ) , they not only repeated their oft-stated attitude to catholic schools , defending them from any contribution to sectarianism in Ireland , but opposed the introduction of divorce and any weakening of legislation which they felt protected the family .
8 It provides them with the chance to be ‘ centre stage ’ and thus profoundly influence the delivery of care to mentally disordered people , and voluntary organizations have the additional advantage that they need only expand at their own pace , developing those areas which they know have the greatest need .
9 Erm the U V A machine , the problem we 've got on there which Ray 's explained or Peter raised this morning , there is in between the the drive belts that take the film down the former and which They 've put a new set on which is a hundred and forty pound a pi They 're in between the two drive wheels , there is a plastic adjuster .
10 Asking why , were told the Standard had written a story on ‘ a dominatrix club I 'm a member of ’ , in which they 'd described the Penthouse Pet as ‘ plump ’ .
11 No because I think that is a matter for the local planning authorities in their their local district wide local plans to look at the the way in which they wish to meet the particular totals for their individual districts .
12 They take the infantile mewing and they modify it to each situation in which they wish to express a need for something .
13 This schematic characterization , however , does not do justice either to the manner in which they attempted to keep both poles in play at once , nor to the way in which they came to concede the impossibility of the theoretical projects which they undertook .
14 The train of events which they began exposed the American system of government to a challenge at once humiliating and formidable .
15 If they found a passage which they thought had a bearing on the issue in this case , that passage would have to be construed in the light of the proceedings as a whole .
16 A collection was made for Ian and his wife Jeanette by all the companies in the Engineering Services Division , with which they intend to buy a painting .
17 Erm I I think it is true to say that the , the cost er reduction which they offered brought the price back within what we regarded as the affordability within our defence programme , er the level of affordability .
18 For workers at field level , a first and necessary step is to make a kind of local map , in which they seek to pinpoint the characteristics of the neighbourhoods which they serve and what is currently available which can be built upon .
19 In these transitional years of fluctuating opinion some continued to adopt a passive attitude towards fatalities , in which they sought to trace the hand of God , whilst others favoured active remedies for what they held to be primarily human failings .
20 Having stressed the importance of reducing as far as possible the number of permissible reasons for refusal , the authors refer to the cited ground , which they admit has no precedent in international agreements on judicial assistance .
21 On Sept. 17 the same leaders met the Public Security Minister , Ismaila Nimaga , after which they agreed to suspend a rally planned for the following day .
22 The simple reason for which they failed to make the headlines and fire up the imagination of rugby pundits around the world is that they were blacks and coloureds in an apartheid-ridden South Africa .
23 Huge gangs of navvies , dealing with their new task in the same manner with which they had extended the railway lines the length and breadth of the land .
24 In Northern Nigeria , he succeeded in detaching the judicial system and the technical departments from the grip of the administrative service , whose claims to omnipotence and omnicompetence were thereby permanently reduced from the heights to which they had risen a decade before .
25 One important feature of the ground battle for which the Allied forces at all levels were profoundly grateful was the fact that the chemical warfare attacks for which they had prepared the protective equipment described in the San Francisco Chronicle of 19 February 1991 never materialized .
26 A family who lived there befriended us , looked after our bags and , solicitous of each other , we took turns on the one spare seat from which they had moved a child .
27 Flaherty and MacKnobb had produced thin gold and silver and emerald paint with which they had coloured the fine charcoal designs and the end result was really rather good .
28 The National Audit Office Report on the FMI ( 1986 ) found , in practice , that departments differed in the extent to which they had adopted the FMI .
29 The financial rationale of the great companies had been the way in which they had enabled a generation of investors , most of whom were substantial , to become merchants by proxy .
30 They used Hilbert 's wine glasses because none of them could tolerate drinking from plastic or cartons but they ate off paper plates of which they had bought a hundred .
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