Example sentences of "[pron] they [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Their leaders immediately launched a campaign against the agreement which they felt gave the adherents of the Pope a foothold in the government of their territory .
2 Both in the Forum Report ( New Ireland Forum 1983–4 : xii ) and in their written submission ( Irish Episcopal Conference 1984 ) , they not only repeated their oft-stated attitude to catholic schools , defending them from any contribution to sectarianism in Ireland , but opposed the introduction of divorce and any weakening of legislation which they felt protected the family .
3 Asking why , were told the Standard had written a story on ‘ a dominatrix club I 'm a member of ’ , in which they 'd described the Penthouse Pet as ‘ plump ’ .
4 This schematic characterization , however , does not do justice either to the manner in which they attempted to keep both poles in play at once , nor to the way in which they came to concede the impossibility of the theoretical projects which they undertook .
5 The train of events which they began exposed the American system of government to a challenge at once humiliating and formidable .
6 Erm I I think it is true to say that the , the cost er reduction which they offered brought the price back within what we regarded as the affordability within our defence programme , er the level of affordability .
7 In these transitional years of fluctuating opinion some continued to adopt a passive attitude towards fatalities , in which they sought to trace the hand of God , whilst others favoured active remedies for what they held to be primarily human failings .
8 The simple reason for which they failed to make the headlines and fire up the imagination of rugby pundits around the world is that they were blacks and coloureds in an apartheid-ridden South Africa .
9 Huge gangs of navvies , dealing with their new task in the same manner with which they had extended the railway lines the length and breadth of the land .
10 One important feature of the ground battle for which the Allied forces at all levels were profoundly grateful was the fact that the chemical warfare attacks for which they had prepared the protective equipment described in the San Francisco Chronicle of 19 February 1991 never materialized .
11 Flaherty and MacKnobb had produced thin gold and silver and emerald paint with which they had coloured the fine charcoal designs and the end result was really rather good .
12 The National Audit Office Report on the FMI ( 1986 ) found , in practice , that departments differed in the extent to which they had adopted the FMI .
13 A new CDU-FDP combination had been considered but the FDP seemed fickle and unreliable : October 1966 was not the first occasion of course on which they had left the Cabinet .
14 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
15 The argument for the suppliants was concerned only with whether the mistake under which they had paid the duty was one of fact or of law .
16 When the archbishop of Canterbury came before the pope for his pallium , the canons of York entangled the Canterbury monks in questions about the precise state in which they had found the privileges — whether they had seals attached to them , and so on .
17 Within a few yards of the bank on which they had spent the uneasy night they came across the first sign of man .
18 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
19 Lewis then went on to record the months of companionship and collaboration , during which they had evolved the characters of the tough young microbe hunter Martin Arrowsmith and his boss Max Gottleb — who de Kruif modelled on Jacques Loeb and his own former chief , Frederick Novy .
20 He ventured to suggest that there was nothing in the manner in which they had brought the concern into its active and productive state of working , which ought to subject them to such new and vexatious problems .
21 Some of the wealthier natives brought picnic hampers in the European manner , and their servants would unroll splendid carpets on the green sward ; while their banquets were spread out on the carpets they could watch what was going on through telescopes and opera-glasses which they had had the foresight to bring with them though what they saw , as they swept the ramparts of the Residency and banqueting hall can hardly have looked very impressive to them : just a few ragged , boil-covered skeletons crouching behind mud walls .
22 But , above all , this enlargement made provision for the revival of the local past which Lanfranc 's building had rigorously excluded : on either side of the high altar were the altars of Dunstan and Elphege , and over the altar was a beam on which they stood flanking the figure of Christ in Majesty .
23 Although the specific physiological mechanism which they proposed to explain the effect , based on Livingston 's ( 1967a , 1967b ) ‘ Now Print ! ’ theory has attracted little support , the basic demonstration of a surprising ability to report such memories even after considerable delays attracted a great deal of interest and has now been found in a large number of studies ( e.g. Bohannon , 1988 ; Christianson , 1989 ; Colegrove , 1899 ; McCloskey , Wible & Cohen , 1988 ; Pillemer , 1984 ; Winograd & Killinger , 1983 ; Yarmey & Bull , 1978 ) .
24 They probably had a variety of different habits , some no doubt were scavengers , others sediment grazers , and it seems probable that some trilobites were also active hunters , pursuing worms and other soft-bodied prey , which they shredded using the spines on the base of their legs .
25 The other hand grasped a kind of huge steering wheel attached to the side of the ladle , which they turned to tip the molten metal into the small holes in the mould-boxes .
26 They were not simply transcriptions of the power of the conquerors and the coercive force with which they attempted to annihilate the existing culture and beliefs of the Indians and impose Christianity .
27 A Peasants ' Revolt — the workers of Kent and Essex — led by Walter the tiler ( who became known as Wat Tyler ) , occurred in 1381 , in which they refused to pay the Poll Tax , and they gathered together to sweep in revolt into London , Although only a lad , Richard II subdued the revolt .
28 ‘ That you ’ prefaces most summons headings and merely means that the prosecution must be in a position to prove that the defendant in court is the person who they alleged committed the offence .
29 Paddy Mayne was mourning the loss of his close friend and fellow Ulsterman , Eoin McGonigal , and all the others had lost mates with whom they had shared the hardships of training and the pleasures of drinking and rampaging on leave .
30 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
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