Example sentences of "[pron] not [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( A local party may choose someone not on the list , but it must obtain approval from the national party for its choice . )
2 To report on my own experience , I have found a surprising number of English people outside the academic world who have lived with the Sonnets , have taken them into their own experience , can quote with ease ‘ To me , fair friend , you never can be old ’ , or ‘ Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day ? ’ , or ‘ When , in disgrace with Fortune and men 's eyes ’ , or ‘ Let me not to the marriage of true minds/Admit impediment ’ .
3 Let me not to the marriage of true swine
4 Adrian Jones of Laser … says its easy to sail … its not for the beginner but the club sailor will be able to handle it … he says it gives the opportunity for the normal man or girl in the street to sail together in a powerful boat … all the boats will be exactly the same … it means that the best sailor will win …
5 These days the term is used either as the first time you kick the ball AND its not on the ground , or even just that the ball is off the ground .
6 you sure its not in the things at the side ? , what at
7 mind its not in the saucer you 'll spill that down you
8 Why were you not with the children ?
9 Erm erm , A ten it the there 's various units and as a unit erm are the family and I felt that perhaps at that stage are you not on the family and what it 's about .
10 you not outside the prattle in precluded completely .
11 A second revolution may well be on the way in Nicaragua , but one not to the liking of the FSLN .
12 A second revolution may well be on the way in Nicaragua , but one not to the liking of the FSLN .
13 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
14 Are we not by the use of the methods of non-cooperation and civil disobedience , forcing a government to act contrary to its wishes ?
15 Were they not under the Cross ?
16 All might still have been well were it not for the rupture-discs on the vents above the reactor .
17 I fancy that across the channel where Napoleon 's wars were ravaging all Europe , our two innkeepers fell flat as pancakes , and were it not for the felicities of their translator they would scarcely be worth comment .
18 A similar decision would have come from the White House by now were it not for the delay in finding a defence secretary .
19 However , I would not be here were it not for the Certificate which I shall outline briefly to you .
20 This long experience , monopoly position and continued popularity might have engendered an element of complacency were it not for the enthusiasm and dynamism of the teaching team assisted by the advice and encouragement of industry representatives .
21 And all of this would be fine , were it not for the questions raised by their art itself .
22 The druidical temple which Johnson saw would have proved extremely difficult for me to find , were it not for the presence in Strichen of one of the most useful guiding systems on earth — a group of local schoolboys idling on their bicycles .
23 Were it not for the Buddha ,
24 We would not be mentioning that event in these pages were it not for the misspelling of his name — something confused with a food mixer .
25 He also held , dubiously , that were it not for the corruptions imposed by state and law , men would develop bonds of instinctive solidarity which would make government unnecessary .
26 On page 37 of his volume of reminiscences [ Burton was to write in an article on rugby ] , Mr Williams is kind enough to suggest that I had distinct possibilities as a player were it not for the lure of tinsel and paint and money and fame and so on .
27 This might plausibly be dismissed as ‘ Victorian stupidity ’ were it not for the tact that in Britain in 1988 a similar view was actually inscribed in law .
28 It is our understanding that were it not for the contact that was made by the state lottery with Scientific Games , that they would be a bidder , the Scientific Games system is a good system .
29 Were it not for the support of sympathetic friends , the residents in our Homes and those who work in our factory could not be given the necessary help and encouragement to overcome their handicap , for we are dependent on voluntary help .
30 Yet chemists would guess , were it not for the evidence of their own senses , that a material containing two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen in each of its molecules should be a gas at Earthly temperatures — like carbon dioxide , with one atom of carbon and two of oxygen , or nitrogen dioxide , with two atoms of oxygen and one of nitrogen .
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