Example sentences of "[pron] can only [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry I can only be done , I said , mm , would I understand , and I said yes .
2 Now if ‘ I can only be known by description , and the only description which is true of it is ‘ that group of mental states , caused by the same living body ’ of which the envy and my judgement are members ' , it follows that anyone who does not describe ‘ I ’ in that way , will not know what ‘ I ’ means , and so will mean nothing when he says ‘ I was envious yesterday ’ .
3 If clinical depression represents impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale , then here we have it on a scale which can only be called grander still : that of an entire culture , a complete philosophy of life .
4 Whilst the resource-rich USSR could finance equipment imports through raw material exports , resource-poor Eastern Europe has been forced to finance her imports through Western loans , which can only be repaid out of future export performance .
5 Although application forms can be very thorough and very revealing there are some questions which can only be asked face to face , and in an interview where a good rapport has been established .
6 For reasons which can only be guessed at he decided to establish himself near Keswick in Cumberland and returned in the following year with Hans Loner , a relative by marriage , and twelve German workers , to set up works and to prospect more fully .
7 Looking at the terms of the agreement as contained in the letter from Hunter 's attorney , and the receipt , it is manifest that the payment was not made in discharge of the plaintiff 's rights against all other parties ; and the result of the whole is , that it does not operate as a release , or matter which could have been pleaded as an accord and satisfaction , but amounts merely to an engagement not to sue Hunter , which can only be pleaded by himself ; if the action , therefore , had been brought against two parties , it would not have been a discharge to both .
8 You will find you have access to swims you once only dreamed about and it becomes possible for you to float fish in swims which can only be fished with leger tackle from the bank .
9 The second reason why a simplistic relationship between agricultural technology and relations of production can not occur is that there are frequently many important local variations in technology which can only be uncovered by detailed analysis of settlement histories and cultural development .
10 In this the government is dependent on the police , armed forces and civil bureaucracy , a dependence which can only be offset by making concessions to one section of the bourgeois alliance or another .
11 In a situation of monopoly power , the profits which a company makes will contain an element which can only be ascribed to the use of monopoly power by that company .
12 ‘ If this interest be not determinable so long as the tenant complies with the terms of the agreement , it would operate as an estate for life ; which can only be created by deed …
13 On the other hand , if an individual or organization already owns a share on which options may be purchased , and a liability is expected to rise within the near future which can only be met by the sale of the shares , the cash flow from that sale may be secured by the purchase of put options .
14 The answer is ‘ yes ’ : a recent article , drawing on Eusebius ' Life of Constantine , seems to show without doubt that it was Constantine who introduced this law : Eusebius describes measures implemented by Constantine which can only be understood as referring to this law .
15 It sometimes seems that individuals have a startling impact on this pattern which can only be understood by appealing to specific psychological traits .
16 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
17 When Mukařovský ( 1936 and 1970 : 70ff. ) wrote of art , literature , or poetry as semiological facts , he meant that artistic works constitute particular kinds of signs which can only be understood within the framework of a general sign-theory .
18 As I have already noted , some kind of political change goes on at all times , produced by the succession of generations , the rise and fall of dynasties , competition among various social groups , economic and cultural developments , changing external circumstances , and more idiosyncratic factors , which can only be understood fully through detailed historical studies .
19 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
20 This creates a lack of popular confidence in democracy itself which can only be rectified by bringing more and more of that power into the public and accountable sector .
21 While such research can be of value , there is much work which can only be done on " live " systems .
22 The economic causes of the war constituted but one dimension of a process which can only be grasped by a multi-causal approach .
23 The combination seems to point to some underlying form of ‘ essential history ’ of which each individual provides his variant but which can only be hinted at , not revealed , because when the voices join across time they never quite marry , though their coming together is an attempt to generate something which like a collective emotion is necessarily felt as something more than the experience of the individual , as something dominant and external' .
24 As usual we take the immediate point — Frodo and the others want to get out of the forest — while reading through to a kind of universality : the ‘ shadowed land ’ is life , life 's delusions of despair are the ‘ woods ’ , despair will end in some vision of cosmic order which can only be hinted at in stars or ‘ sun ’ .
25 But there is obvious weakness in a system for controlling the government which can only be activated by a member of that government .
26 Is a complex idea which can only be explained to parents with great difficulty .
27 At this point optimism makes way for a new kind of awareness , tragic awareness , which can only be borne through art in the shape of myth .
28 There will always be subjects which can only be handled by referring them to apparently independent adjudicators outside government .
29 Running from pain in the back is a problem which can only be handled with understanding .
30 During 1987 blitzes by the HSE of over 1,000 prohibition notices , which can only be served where there is a risk of ‘ serious personal injury ’ were issued , but led to only 25 prosecutions .
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