Example sentences of "[pron] can not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Believe me , to conclude , tho' I have no business head , for large & lengthy affairs , I am keen enough in figures & small matters , & always was ; so that I can not be disputed .
2 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
3 Similarly , I can not be refuted if I claim to experience a religious emotion .
4 The topmost foliage is taller than me and the growth is so dense I can not be seen from the lawn as I dig into the muddy trench which forms an oasis round the stem .
5 I have discharged my duty , she thought , I can not be troubled by my conscience in that respect .
6 I can not be mistaken about perceiving something as , say , a cigarette case , because in saying , ‘ It looks like a cigarette case ’ I am not saying that there is an appearance which is a cigarette case .
7 ‘ I 'd go back , to Europe , because I know that I can not be traced . ’
8 I can not be said to have a life outside these four walls .
9 And , if she has a sister who is going out of her mind , I have had a mother eighty-nine years old and senile , I can not be said to deserve any further burdens nor to have failed in carrying out my duty .
10 I can not be suspected by anyone of seeking prestige , ’ he said .
11 Oh , now be careful , I can not be changing sheets again , not at this time . ’
12 My favourite statistic of the match , however , is that six of the England team have the middle initial A. I can not be bothered to check whether this has ever happened before , but I doubt it .
13 I get to the stage when I can not be bothered .
14 did n't come in , I can not be doing with that
15 Furthermore , complexes formed by oligonucleotide I can not be competed with oligonucleotide III and vice versa oligonucleotide III complexes can not be competed with oligonucleotide I ( Fig. 3 , lanes 1–4 ) .
16 He is trapped as I can not be trapped .
17 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
18 I can not be expected to monitor these statements .
19 We can also see that Socrates himself can not be regarded merely as an agent of destruction , despite the immediate responsibility of the Socratic impulse for the dissolution of tragedy .
20 At a later stage , if errors are found in the procedure 's performance which can not be traced to a falling within the local system , it may be necessary to examine these influencing factors further , for instance the design of the form might be inadequate for the accurate recording of information , a factor outside the direct control of the section involved .
21 It is one of the great drawbacks of much ‘ popular ’ social writing in newspapers and magazines that statements are made , the validity of which can not be accepted without more evidence .
22 holds a qualification in hotel and catering management which can not be accepted for complete exemption from the Association 's education criteria .
23 He suggests that parents and child should draw up a contract between them , with both making promises which can not be altered without joint agreement .
24 But yesterday a statement issued by Mr Sadler revealed the council 's continued hard line over Sunday opening — which can not be altered until councillors discuss the matter on June 16 .
25 Guar gum is a complex polysaccharide which can not be digested or absorbed and it appears to have two effects .
26 NB When using pile fabrics which can not be ironed in the same way , cut the bump 2.5cm ( 1in ) larger than the buckram all round .
27 For instance , the words ‘ inshore fishing is n't an easy life ’ might add something which can not be gathered from the pictures alone .
28 Instead , it has been suggested that the object tends towards presentational form , which can not be broken up as though into grammatical sub-units , and as such it appears to have a particularly close relation to emotions , feelings and basic orientations to the world .
29 Fibre is a specialized form of complex carbohydrate , which can not be broken down by the normal human digestive system .
30 This could be construed as a tailor-made curriculum , which can not be developed into a generic or core curriculum .
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