Example sentences of "[pron] can [not/n't] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 I can not say that I care for these self-perpetuating societies . ’
2 I can not say that they were happy days , but they taught me what life is about .
3 I can not say that my school days were particularly happy ones and I was not sorry to leave when I got to the official leaving age , which was fourteen in those days .
4 When the time came , I can not say that we followed all of the advice we were given .
5 I can not say that the letter is in the drawer and mean that the cake is in the cupboard , or that the letter was or will be in the drawer .
6 I can not say that that has been very successful , ’ Paul added ruefully .
7 I can not say that any of my knitting has ever graced the shelves at Harrods , but my crochet has !
8 " I can not say that I think of [ the causal determinist 's view ] as having any plausibility .
9 If it is appropriate for the courts to adopt some kind of policy in order to protect government against itself ( and I can not say that the idea particularly appeals to me ) , it should be one that distributes the loss fairly across the public .
10 I can not say that if Mrs. O'Brien had known the full and true effect of her commitment under the charge , she would instantly and inevitably have refused to execute it .
11 Now , I can not say that there is any definition of what fauces terrce exactly are .
12 But to say that the half-yearly payments were to continue till the whole sum of £2,090 19s. , ‘ and interest thereon , ’ should have been fully paid and satisfied , would be to introduce very important words into the agreement which are not there , and of which I can not say that they are necessarily implied .
13 If the question be ( as , in the actual state of the law , I think it is ) , whether consideration is , or is not , given in a case of this kind , by the debtor who pays down part of the debt presently due from him , for a promise by the creditor to relinquish , after certain further payments on account , the residue of the debt , I can not say that I think consideration is given , in the sense which I have always understood that word as used in our law .
14 I can not say that in an administrative context we shall take up every item that appears in the new clauses , at least not in the way that is implied .
15 I can not say that I believe that that council necessarily represents the views of industry and commerce .
16 In an interview with Japanese reporters on Feb. 17 , the Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Dumaagiyn Sodnom , indicated that the MDU demands were being taken very seriously by the leadership ; according to the Japanese news agency Kyodo , Sodnom said : " I can not say that the monopoly over the political system is right .
17 According to Beijing radio , Li Peng added : " I can not say that the developments in Eastern Europe will have no impact at all on China .
18 We remained on first-name terms , they became my patients , but I can not say that there was any particular relationship between us . ’
19 I can not say that Oldham ‘ dominated ’ the last 20 mins .
20 I can not say that it was withdrawn for its political content . ’
21 ’ Weel , noo that ye ask — na , I can nae say that I huv — no today at oany rate . ’
22 Er no I can nae say that er er There is one I I think there there used to be a a lad up the road there I used to speak to his mother and she said he son was a French polisher .
23 You can not say that you are a neglected invalid .
24 I mean that you can not say that carp are generally nocturnal feeders , or morning feeders , or whatever .
25 After complaining they had focused too much on the warring Wales ' angle , the official was challenged : ‘ Surely you can not say that this is a happy marriage ? ’
26 Christians are supposed to forgive , but what if say it 's the mother of somebody who had a child that 's been murdered or if somebody has been raped you can not say that they should forgive you cos they were a Christian .
27 what this a doctor in this policy would have done in terms of delaying diagnosis in the lower risk group patients because clearly the other groups of patients are actually having more cystoscopies performed , but because it 's a retrospective analysis you can not say that you are advancing the diagnosis of er of more frequently occurring tumours .
28 ‘ Eventually I said angrily that ‘ surely you can not say that this is a happy marriage ? ’
29 We can not say that having faith in Christ makes life easy .
30 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
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