Example sentences of "[pron] can [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I can tell by the way people look at him .
2 I can tell by the way she looks at them .
3 I am not very sure what 's wrong with her but I can tell by the way they start discussing the weather when I come into the room that it must be Women 's Trouble .
4 She is upset by the anger in my voice , I can tell by the way she rattles my cup .
5 Within seconds it stops and I can tell from the direction of the line that the bait is lying in the thick of the roots .
6 I do n't know what I weigh now , but I can tell from the mirror and the clothes that I wear that there is , sadly , more of me than there was .
7 I can tell from the way you 're sparking at me like a green-eyed cat that there 's nothing you 'd like more . ’
8 And I can confirm ( for the benefit of Glenn , I think it was ) that Howard Wilkinson is not a member either , as far as I can tell from the list .
9 I can confirm to the hon. Gentleman that there have been no serious discussions yet about the location of the European system of central banks .
10 I CAN sympathise with the businessman who stands to lose a Pounds 30 million contract because BR delays repeatedly made him late for meetings .
11 The only thing I can recollect from the briefing in relation to the operation and the way that was , it was erm o it was executed .
12 I call him that so I can shout down the street after him and those bastards in the Race Relations office ca n't touch me for it . ’
13 She said no more and as soon as they arrived at Broom House she said , ‘ No need to take me right up to the house — I can walk up the drive . ’
14 I can walk down the road without my legs even touching — it 's absolutely marvellous . ’
15 If , at the end of several hours ' watching , I can walk into the Guitarist studio and sit behind the desk with any confidence at all , then I shall declare the whole operation a complete success .
16 Now I am thirty-five years old , and married to a traditional observant Jew and living in one of London 's most Jewish areas , I can laugh at the mistaken ideas I had .
17 I walk upstream ; upstream because I can wade to the other bank if I need to and any disturbance will not carry far against the current .
18 But there is a little something I can detect in the atmosphere between those two that might or might not have something to do with the murder of Egan by Place . ’
19 After the stories that circulate about Civil Service chicanery , I can attest to the professionalism of my team .
20 I mean if you put your hand up to the sun you can feel it , you detect it , your eyes detect it , well you have detectors which detect them and , for example , if I want to detect something like an electron well then I can make a counter which is sensitive to charged particles like electrons , and I can allow these electrons to hit this counter and it will produce erm an identifiable electrical pulse and I can look at that and I can say this is an electron , or I can look at other particles , say , for things like helium nuclei which are called alpha particles , and I can make counters which will detect these and I can put a little piece of paper in front and I can stop off the alpha particles .
21 tonight and then I 'm on me raffle next week , but after next , I mean I can stop in the next , I mean I was , I 've never been out since a week on Tuesday cos I was n't on the raffle Friday
22 And s so I can draw on the areas
23 The best deal I can do on the airfares is £870 — this includes a small fee for myself for the administration .
24 ‘ Well , of course , anything I can do for the poor girl — ’ she began .
25 ‘ Anything else I can do for the moment ? ’
26 Oi think of a project for me that I can do for the next seven weeks .
27 ‘ But I 've made it with United and now I want the chance to show what I can do at the highest level of all . ’
28 I do n't claim any great originality or depth , but it is the best I can do at the moment .
29 Anyway , if I am to maintain my hectic schedule of conquests , I can do without the interference of these guys taking up the time and energy of foxy babes with mere talk .
30 You see , I find paragraph end markers to be useful , but I can do without the rest of the clutter .
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