Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With this mark I will tell the life of our family , and our hunts , and this life will always be spoken of . ’
2 I will tell the Minister what his Government have done ; by their policies they have turned the west midlands from a productive landscape into an industrial desert .
3 I will tell the government .
4 I well I could tell you the inside story of that but I 'm not going to but I will tell the outside , the public story .
5 The jokes/anecdotes/stories can be short or long and , as an example , I will tell the tale of a branch who loaned a customer a sum of money so he could undergo plastic surgery .
6 Accordingly , in relation to paragraph 2(k) of the originating summons I will answer the question in the affirmative , subject to the question being limited to the existing documentation in use by the Woolwich Building Society and subject to the request for the structural survey being part of an application for a further advance .
7 Mr Deputy Speaker I 'm just about to come on the South Wales police but I will answer the point directly , er I and my honourable friend the parliamentary secretary are always willing to discuss with local government , matters relating to local government finance and we have done so over the months leading up to this settlement and my honourable and right honourable friends in the Home Office are always willing to discuss matters on the police er where they are important and warrant a ministerial meeting and that again has happened recently with the Home Office min minister discussing this very issue .
8 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this Instruction .
9 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this instruction , and I understand that if any direct debit which breaks the terms of this instruction , the bank will make a refund .
10 I will inform the House of the conclusions of the parliamentary assembly of the Western European Union , which comprises elected members from the Parliaments of France , Germany , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Luxembourg , Belgium , Holland , and the United Kingdom .
11 If I 'm going out for a professional dinner , something formal , I will wear an evening dress .
12 I will pin a note on the door , saying I have had to cancel all my appointments …
13 Yes Mr Chairman erm I understand the motive behind this proposal resolution but I think the mover perhaps is unaware of what 's actually going on and have to decide and so I would like to speak against this resolution and I think the constructive thing to do so we do n't send the wrong messages would be to er I , I will move an amendment er and I will explain what I 'm doing as I speak .
14 The erm , with that addition I will move the recommendation in paragraph three of minute twelve of the property sub-committee 's minutes , to make representation to the association of county council urging the Government to reconsider it 's policy in not allowing local authorities permanently to make use of the full amount of capital realised from sales of assets .
15 As Archimedes said , ‘ Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth . ’
16 In its place they have a very good organisation called the United Kingdom Immigration Advice Service and I will quote a fax I have received from them .
17 I will face the dog . ’
18 I dedicatee this award to all the courageous people of my country , black and white , who have suffered and endured so much and pledge that in whatever time remains to me , I will spare no effort to bring peace and freedom and justice for all to South Africa .
19 I will monitor the position to ensure that the present level of provision is at least maintained .
20 I have already decided that I will fish the water at night , at least to begin with , and this will allow me to fish the three best periods : dusk , darkness and dawn .
21 I will watch the effect with great interest .
22 Jokes ‘ I will watch the game against Spain because I am not playing .
23 Nigel said yesterday : ‘ I think I will bring a flask in future . ’
24 I confirm that I will bring the Parish Council accounts etc to the Council Offices Garstang at 9 a.m. on Tuesday 7th May as agreed in our recent telephone conversation .
25 Today I will lead a convoy of UN lorries with food and gas to these villages .
26 He had all three and felt that at last the play was under way : this was why he had struck north ; this was why he had learned his part ( and God bless Major General Lake of Dumfries and God keep him there ) ; this was his great opportunity and ‘ O Lord , ’ he prayed to himself , ‘ if it is true that You have love even for the worst of Your sinners and let Your Son welcome into Paradise the thief on the cross who by a single act redeemed a life of evil , then remember me at Hause Point , remember how I tried to obey Your will and how I saved that innocent young girl and help me here because I swear , if I succeed in my intention here , I will lead a life of charity and Christian duty to the end .
27 In this section I will offer an analysis of consent .
28 I will hold the watchman accountable ’ Ezekiel 33 v 6 .
29 ‘ If you do n't do the desirable thing I will present a penalty . ’
30 I will spring a tear , come to attention and salute that old Scottish soldier who took an alien handed to feed his family and still bring honour to the 91st of Foot .
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