Example sentences of "[pron] would have the same " in BNC.

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1 If the joint tenancy is severed by agreement then the notice of severance or declaration of trust which would have the same effect ( see precedent in Kelly 's Draftsman , 15th edn , Butterworths , 1986 , p673 ) should specify in what proportions or shares the equitable interests of the former beneficial joint tenants are to be held .
2 Formally , we would have the same force if we assumed ( as many textbooks do ) that a magnetic field moving with a velocity in gives rise to a force
3 It was like communism everyone was supposed to be the same , everyone would have the same house , with the same shed , everyone would have the same stuff in their house , all their doors would be colour co-ordinated and that 's what flats were , the original idea of flats were like co-ordinated living okay .
4 It was like communism everyone was supposed to be the same , everyone would have the same house , with the same shed , everyone would have the same stuff in their house , all their doors would be colour co-ordinated and that 's what flats were , the original idea of flats were like co-ordinated living okay .
5 At the Watford Gaumont , which I managed , people would come in dinner dress and they would have the same seat every week .
6 Third , they would have the same percentage — 55.6 — of the list votes as they did of the actual constituency votes .
7 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
8 He demonstrated programs that drew brilliant-coloured three-dimensional designs , until those watching felt that if they too bought one they would have the same magical powers .
9 What is so interesting is that despite that disastrous performance , Labour 's policies have hardly altered — and they would have the same effect again .
10 Instead of taking it over a thirty five year period , what you would then have is that you go up very steeply let's say by putting lump sums or er regular capital premiums erm which you 'll receive a tax refund and then it stops but the benefits of the fund keep going so at age sixty they would have the same effect of reaching your pension there with no contributions
11 Officials said he would have the same message for all — the time has come to revive direct Arab-Israeli negotiations .
12 ‘ I wish I thought it would have the same effect . ’
13 However , were the graph for the inert gases in carbonaceous chondrites to be plotted in Figure 5.2 it would have the same shape as that of the planets .
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