Example sentences of "[pron] have been [v-ing] here " in BNC.

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1 The mediation between theory and practice that I have been discussing here defines the domain of applied linguistics as this relates to language teaching .
2 I have been suggesting here that contemporary class-based analyses of urban and regional development have a number of common themes .
3 I have been coming here for nine years and have a feel for the heart of the city and this song says it all . ’
4 Although I am anxious to avoid entering into aesthetic theory or acting theory to any large extent it has to be conceded that the topic I have been tackling here , the logical relationship between emotion occurring and emotion described has been of central interest to aestheticians and acting theorists alike .
5 I have been arguing here for what might be termed appropriate research , analogous to the notion of appropriate technology .
6 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
7 The research-oriented approach to teaching that I have been proposing here obviously sets a high premium on teacher preparation , and that in turn raises the issues of the education and training of teachers .
8 These motives are obviously relevant to the discourse analysis I have been describing here ; indeed it will be clear by now that the two motives correspond , respectively , to the ‘ dominance ’ and ‘ difference ’ currents .
9 What we have been outlining here is a simple version of the Harvard system of " author — date " .
10 So far as a family we have been living here for about 6/7 years .
11 The model of mental functioning we have been elaborating here shows clearly that the evolutionary direction in higher organisms has been particularly focused in the development of cognition .
12 In Northern Ireland ‘ The Thing ’ eventually unchained some of the other phenomena that we have been discussing here , which are inherently separate : endemic hooliganism ; the breakthrough of the use of the firearm ; and the infinite potential for blocking the formation of antibodies , for blocking the natural reaction of a society to violence , which exists in a divided community .
13 What we have been describing here is a total currency flow surplus .
14 ‘ You mean to say we have been sitting here for an hour with a motorbike and sidecar parked outside ? ’
15 We have been arguing here for a view of the state in which governments are managing not only class and social relations but also individuals .
16 They have been living here for seven years but now they are being inundated by refuse .
17 Royston Lambert captured this mood in a seventeen-year-old boy talking about his family and school : ‘ They have been coming here since the seventeenth century , I think , although what they did before that I ca n't imagine , had Tutors I suppose .
18 They have been coming here for the past six years . ’
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