Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have followed him for a long time and his work just gets better and better .
2 ‘ He is my most dangerous opponent and I have beaten him in style , ’ said Davis , whose top breaks were an 85 ( twice ) , 79 , 66 and 65 ( twice ) .
3 Still , I liked him , and I have heard him on television once or twice .
4 He said , but he said it does n't give us the excuse of not paying the invoices on time , and he said erm I have warned him for it this morning and he said he will process it , and he said the cheque will be in the post here on Monday .
5 I have seen him since then
6 I have seen him with his girls in the fields , and when he knows I am watching he kisses them .
7 ‘ I wish one hundred to be given to my freedman Pamphilus , in addition to what I have left him in codicils .
8 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
9 I have provided him with an adjustable heartbeat of around 100 . ’
10 I have dedicated him to the blessed St John the Baptist and had him circumcised . ’
11 I have put him into the London to act as lieutenant , ’ the admiral reported .
12 " With Sir Edmund Pusey 's agreement I have taken him into our confidence .
13 He is ‘ a villain ’ , but ‘ tragic ’ , and Dostoevsky continues in his most pushy vein , anxious that Katkov shall take notice , ‘ I have taken him from my heart ’ .
14 Jon is a ‘ New Age Traveller ’ and I have known him for two years .
15 On numerous occasions I have held him by belt and legs in the rattling back of an open truck , from the edge of a storm-tossed boat , in the path of galloping Sumbanese warriors .
16 I have seized him by the hair of his head And shoved it into a bucket of water And I screwed his pistols up his arse A dam sight harder than I screwed his daughter ( Rum ti-iddle-ey etc ) .
17 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
18 Here is the story of his life and of the succession of movies , remarkably similar in tone and most of them featuring actors like Robert de Niro and Harvey Keitel , which have raised him to the status of ( perhaps ) the world 's most famous film director .
19 DURING his recent spell as guest conductor of the Halle Orchestra in the Free Trade Hall , Manchester , Tadaaki Otaka has displayed the qualities which have enabled him since 1987 to turn the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra into a first-rate ensemble .
20 The DUP man admits in the interview he has considered legal action against newspaper reports which have linked him with paramilitaries .
21 The agency man owes his knowledge of a particular publication , say newspaper profiles " , not only to the National Readership Survey , but to the sales literature from the media itself which have plied him with relevant data about readership and special opportunities and offers to make their publication the best of all possible buys .
22 Smith had Picnic 's full co-operation when winning last week 's leading showjumper of the year title at Wembley , making a timely impression on the selectors who have chosen him for the British team .
23 Ask many who have known him for years , and they will say that he looks most comfortable at his annual visit to the Renaissance Weekend at Hilton Head Island over the New Year holiday .
24 It was an occasion filled with memories of a life time in the carpet business , highlighted with speeches by Ralph Ellis , Rod Turnbull , Steve Higgins and from customers who have known him for a long time .
25 The Gala youngster acknowledges how fortunate he has been in the folk who have advised him along the way .
26 Perhaps he hoped thus to outmanoeuvre those critics who have accused him of infantilism .
27 Perhaps he hoped thus to outmanoeuvre those critics who have accused him of infantilism .
28 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
29 And er I 've heard it mentioned about him on on on people who have interviewed him on television .
30 ONE-legged cricketer Ian Harris has been stumped by umpires who have banned him from having a runner to sprint his singles .
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