Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The idea that John was trying out his ideas in private first , getting them carefully developed before he actually faced his cast , is confirmed by another letter to Hanns in which he wrote , ‘ I have written the first record , and am starting rehearsals for S. T .
2 Thanks to I have become the first DECcie to join the greatest mailing list in the world ; - ) .
3 Of these two approaches I have adopted the first , formally at least , since my first chapter is concerned with scepticism , and there are constant if sporadic references to one form of sceptical argument throughout the book .
4 I have done the first
5 And now I have to interrupt the first bit of pleasure I 've been able to take in I do n't know how long and put you all to right .
6 Maybe they 'll elope to Gretna Green if they ca n't find a vacant Martello tower , then it will leave me with more time for my Roman friend and dear Boudicca not to mention Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals of which I have perused the first paragraph six times yet can not seem to recall it to mind .
7 I have to avoid the last period on the second Friday in October , which is when the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist celebrates ‘ the rich goodness of God 's vegetables ’ .
8 In a letter of 17 August 1921 to his wife he writes that ‘ I have had the first estimates for dolls ' house furniture : 13 State frames — £50 , and have sent it to Mrs Marshall Field .
9 Montgomery said that the spring offensive of 1943 was ‘ the heaviest and most savage fighting we have had since I have commanded the Eighth Army ’ .
10 To me resignation is a priceless liberation , for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind 's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples .
11 I have used the last of the old chemicals , and for the moment I am Henry Jekyll again .
12 Altogether , I have enjoyed the first day more than I anticipated .
13 This is the world that I enjoy , and that I have spent the second half of my life so far in exploring and learning about .
14 I have spent the last six months investigating Free People , and what they have asked for constitutes the first stage of their long-term programme . ’
15 I have spent the last couple of weeks visiting garages with my husband attempting to exchange our shared vehicle .
16 Or maybe I am in the perfect position to write it , as I have spent the last week slumped on the sofa , watching the war .
17 ‘ Lady Blaine , I have spent the last week debating whether or not to ruin your father Hiram , and his syndicate , and provide the information to send them , and him , to prison for stockmarket fraud .
18 He is beginning to move on from the subjects which have dominated the last couple of years , feeling that he has gleaned all the experience he can from them .
19 TWO Liverpool cousins who have become the first prison visitors awarded damages after a search ordeal will have to wait for their cash , following a Home Office decision to appeal against the award .
20 As part of Stone Grove , a four-piece band who have spent the last two years quietly writing and recording in the relative obscurity of Clapton , east London , Simon has been revising , reassessing , investigating his roots , or in his own words , ‘ taking notes ’ .
21 Once you have made the first step towards finding out more about archaeology , it is likely that you will never turn back .
22 You might say that the thought uppermost in my mind was this : Joe Bodenland , you have escaped the twenty-first century !
23 I am afraid you have missed the last serving of supper . ’
24 ‘ Now you have reached the first stage ’ , said the guru .
25 It means you have to treat the first invoice as an error , and possible invoke the DOCTOR ( which has been with most Sage products for ages ) to correct things , and then go and do it right .
26 Once you have explored the first match — which you can do using the left and right arrow keys , press the Down arrow to find the next record ( pressing the up arrow goes to the previous record ) .
27 Because you have to take the last number off it .
28 If your home is damaged by Subsidence or Heave you have to pay the first part of the claim yourself .
29 The first card you turn over is the matching ace , so it seems that you have had the first strike of luck for you can clearly get the first pair .
30 You have passed the first . ’
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