Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 I have written off the cost on a straight line basis in the accounts and the inspector has disallowed this for tax purposes .
2 I think I have narrowed down the possible causes to be either hogweed or nettles and I am in the process of removing these .
3 I have to space out the attempts .
4 I know I have to go down the college tonight .
5 I have to dress in my sweaty , dirty clothes and go back down to the kitchen , grumbling while she makes me a coffee , and I complain about my wet boots and she gives me a fresh pair of William 's socks to wear and I put them on and drink my coffee and whine about never being allowed to spend the night and tell her how just once I 'd like to wake up here in the morning , and have a nice , civilised breakfast with her , sitting on the sunny balcony outside the bedroom windows , but she makes me sit down while she laces my boots up , then takes my coffee cup off me and sends me out the back door and says I 've got two minutes before she arms the alarm and puts the infrared lights on stand-by so I have to go back the way I came , over the estate wall and through the wood and down into the stream where I get both feet wet and cold and I fall going up the bank and get all muddy and eventually drag myself up and through the hedge , scratching my cheek and tearing my polo-neck and then trudging across the field through heavy rain and more mud and finally getting to the car and panicking when I ca n't find the car keys before remembering I put them in the button-down back pocket of the jeans for safety instead of the side pocket like I usually do , and then having to put some dead branches under the front wheels because the fucking car 's stuck and finally getting away and home and even in the street light I can see what a mess of the pale upholstery my muddy clothes have made .
6 And I have averaged out the changes over all the various sections of the A sixty one .
7 I have chopped up the Info in such a way as to make it Faxable on 2 sheets So I could do that too , at a pinch .
8 ‘ I have cantered among the hyenas of the Serengeti as they brought down wildebeest ; I have danced the Wellington Boot Dance with the Zulu in the township hostels ; I have tiptoed through the Bibliothèque Nationale , listening to the gummy gumming of mundane scholars ; I have shelled prawns with slant-eyed androgynes in the polyglot souks of the uttermost East ; I have reached the nadir of a nonsensical number of psycho-sexual trances , both in the Amazonian hinterland and the plastic cultures of the Pacific rim ; I have subsumed myself to the circuitry of artificial cerebella in the silicone wadis ; I have crawled down the barrels of guns on all five continents , only to spring forth again — triumphant ; I have tittered in the stalls and tottered by the walls festooned with epicene opera-lovers ; I have sallied forth into the salons of the old world and the new ; I have hefted steins in the beerhalls and pinched flutes in the Shires ; I have raced laggardly protons around the cyclotron , revelling in the sempiternal sciamachy ; and — let us not forget — I have also hidden under couches whilst the moneyed pulers petted their kittenish neuroses , imagining themselves trusted , secluded .
9 ‘ In any case , I have looked up the time of your flight .
10 I have left out the biggest spender of the lot , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) , who , every time he gets to his feet in the House , commits the Labour party to further increased spending on the social services .
11 I can remember stuff they thought too petty for Trivial Pursuit and then somedays I have to look up the instructions on my bootlaces .
12 You may not be aware that excessive usage of the lifts does in fact cost the company a great deal of money , and in line with our cost-cutting efforts in other areas I have drawn up the following guidelines , which must be strictly adhered to from now on .
13 ‘ We shall have separate practice sessions from now on , when I have worked out the timetable .
14 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
15 I stop at my usual vantage point and even before I have switched off the engine I see the otter .
16 I have set down the following experience as one that has haunted me for many years .
17 After a detailed explanation of his revenue-raising proposals , the Chancellor concluded : ‘ In the first Budget of the Parliament , I have set out the Government 's economic strategy .
18 I am writing to advise that I have taken over the role of Computer Liaison Officer for the Trading Standards Department .
19 even the PC is quite an old one , and the tasks I have to accomplish down the line are fairly simple — electronic mail , basic word processing and the like . ’
20 I have spelled out the computational approach to edge detection for two reasons .
21 With a team of eminent academics , from Germany , France , Spain , Italy and Britain , an overall editor in the shape of Jean-Baptiste Durosell , former professor of contemporary history at the Sorbonne , and the backing of a powerful group of international publishers , he attempted the task of assembling , in one substantial but accessible volume , a distillation of all the elements , chronological , geographical , ethnographic , cultural , philosophical , spiritual , which have blended down the centuries to create the state of ‘ Europeanness ’ .
22 The British banks which have written down the value of their loans most aggressively may be attracted by the fund , says Jim Mellon , a director of Tyndall .
23 The number of Acts , statutory instruments , White and Green Papers , consultative documents , guidelines and codes of practice gives the impression of intense activity , and each period of office has been marked by major pieces of legislation affecting health and social services , and by Acts which have brought about the denationalisation of important sectors of industry .
24 Claudia does n't like the dry summer beards of the marguerites , Argyranthemum frutescens , which have taken over the centre bed .
25 Localisation of protein alone may identify not only producing cells , but also target cells and cells which have taken up the protein by endocytosis .
26 ‘ But Sky is a major risk which has grown largely because of the activities of the competition , which have forced up the price of the product infinitely higher than we expected or was necessary .
27 We saved the party in nineteen eighty three , the G M B saved the party in that er , a crisis time th with the formation of the S D P and today the Tory government on its knees , staggering along and we have some people in the leadership of the Party and including , we can name them now , somebody 's written , writte written to all the constituencies , Neil Kinnock , who have given up the ghost of Labour ever winning again , and that 's what 's the base and the root of what 's going on , that 's why they want these proposals going through , they want to separate the trade unions from the Party so they can do a deal with the Liberals because they 've given up .
28 At the same time , d the Tories are on their knees , some people , as I said earlier , I think it 's just as relevant in this debate , seem to have lost their way and when you took , look at what they 're proposing in terms of say , the er the fifty percent , the , the er M Ps , fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with , right , fifty percent of the vote , you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you 're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics , and that 's where they 're heading , and they 're heading completely in the wrong direction because we 're more in tune with what 's going on in this country , the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think , believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government , the alternative road is to oblivion and it 's not about modernizing , the people who 're proposing this coalition politics are n't modernizers , they 're Victorian politics , that 's what they 're about , they 're about taking us back , back before we created the Party , before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically , they 're going back to , let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals , the free trade Liberals , in the nineteenth century , that 's where they 're going back , that 's not about modernization , real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that 's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling , and that understanding of what people actually want in this country , and that 's why we 're supporting the C E C proposals .
29 ‘ This declaration is not a blind bit of good to the workers who have to take over the jobs of those who have emigrated , ’ and ‘ Why do we have to wait till the next central committee meeting ? ’ were other grumbles .
30 While we actually do the a the removal , we usually have other agencies with us such as the N S P C C , the police , who have to carry out the investigation into what has actually happened , and erm in the end the court .
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