Example sentences of "[pron] are [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It it helps chairman er I could refer to the survey that we did erm of I think it was six erm industrial estates or employment er estates around the district , and they vary from modern business parks which are mainly office type developments through to some traditional and trading type estates .
2 That , that , that he is given a note as part of the quality plan saying , here you are son , you are now project engineer .
3 We are currently spending money on finding the basic properties of advanced mixed oxide nuclear fuels and how the fuel oxidises during the manufacturing process .
4 There are also day hospital for both groups of patients and an administration section .
5 There are also retirement holiday weeks organised by the PRA at Pontin 's , South Devon Holiday Centre , costing around £100 per person per week .
6 There are also job share schemes , with two people sharing the same job to fit in with collecting children from school and home working is being developed with the aid of technology .
7 erm in the first place there are no bylaws restricting the display of posters in Harlow erm there are however town planning er restraints on and indeed there are a recognised number of sites which can be used for that purpose .
8 There are clearly road safety implications associated with these issues .
9 There are now computer software tools which can help draw up these diagrams and make alterations easily .
10 There are still income tax advantages for the wealthy to set up offshore trusts for their children or certain other relatives .
11 They are essentially depletion mode devices , which might suggest that they conduct electricity when no bias is applied , and conduct less under bias .
12 Dr Dowling believes that part of the reason why house officers are often so impotent in hospital politics is that they are essentially migrant labour — rarely in one place for more than six months .
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