Example sentences of "[pron] are [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The city 's council has decided that it no longer wants an unlimited number of gypsies or travellers , many of whom are using illegal pitches , descending on the city .
2 Sorry One of the other tables you 've got shows you a comparison between the elements which are present in crustal rock and in the sea and from that you can see which ones are a good reflection , I E whi which elements have been transferred to the sea by direct weathering , and which of them are undergoing other processes , either other sources or other sinks .
3 These three big creatures dominate the composition , but around them are introduced small figures .
4 Again the stone walls are dark and streaked with rain and age , and along them are ranged carved figures , many badly worn and now almost unrecognizable .
5 Negative , extremist , in them are fused sectarian party orthodoxy and individual self-deliverance .
6 A lot of them are having nervous breakdowns or sort of ruining their family life because
7 A lot of them are studying other things besides Italian and so they take time off to prepare for exams .
8 ‘ Tatum and I are having marital problems , just as many other married couples do , ’ McEnroe said in a statement .
9 Avoid non-brewed condiments , which are diluted acetic acid coloured with caramel and without the rounded acidity of a true vinegar .
10 This is because the energy for neuroses comes from the sexual instincts which are seeking private gratifications , rather than the combination of erotic and egoistic elements found in the social impulses .
11 Both the enlarged access facility and the supplementary financing facility are available to members of the IMF only in conjunction with the use of resources in the upper credit tranches ( i.e. they are special arrangements when normal credit lines are insufficient ) and are for countries which are facing serious payments imbalances that are large in relation to their quotas .
12 All are independent , except two which are maintained voluntary-aided schools .
13 However , the heart 's own oxygen supply is not taken from the blood which is continually being pumped through it to service the rest of the body , but from separate little arteries which are called coronary arteries .
14 We have now moved on from looking at syllables to looking at words , and we will consider certain well-known English words that can be pronounced in two different ways , which are called strong forms and weak forms .
15 DNA has effects upon bodies , upon eye colour , hair crinkliness , strength of aggressive behaviour and thousands of other attributes , all of which are called phenotypic effects .
16 Since , after normal ovulation , between 6 and 12 eggs are recovered , success is measured by the number which are undergoing mitotic division and the number of divisions which can be analysed .
17 The party leadership faces unrest over the poll tax , water and electricity privatisation and the changes to the health service , in addition to rising mortgage rates , which are damaging Tory support .
18 Some of the words listed by Hewitt are in fact just special uses of existing British English words , which are given new meaning within the youth culture : e.g. hard , soff ( soft ) , dread , star , sweet .
19 The microeconomic imperfections which are given special attention are imperfect information ( eg firms ' inability to monitor accurately the productivities of their employees ) , imperfect competition ( eg collective bargaining ) , and various transactions costs ( eg the costs of hiring , training , and firing employees ) .
20 My Lords , is my Noble Friend aware that many parents and teachers who have been deeply dissatisfied and disillusioned by local education authority schools in fact just set up their own new schools which are providing excellent education and really meeting those parental wishes , often with very strong er spiritual and moral values .
21 Because certain textbooks are in great demand , colleges often set aside a student reading room in which are placed multiple copies of textbooks that have been recommended by the lecturers .
22 Much of the stonework had become coated with a black layer of gypsum ( calcium sulphate ) and soot , while the lower levels of the façade are also affected by salt and nitrates which are causing severe damage .
23 The plant 's output will allow a 40 per cent reduction in the capacity of brown coal-fired power stations in northern Bohemia , which are causing severe pollution in the area [ see ED68 ] .
24 He created two competing monopolies which are causing considerable unrest within the industry .
25 We are also seeing the sporty influence in the blue and grey mélanges which are mow important colours , rather than the simple black and white .
26 Look out for ‘ Weeping Standards ’ which are repeat flowering ground cover roses grafted onto standard stems .
27 This proposal was enthusiastically approved by the Central Council of ACTS and has been well received by member churches which are appointing local representatives for each of the forty six areas .
28 After consulting this same healer on several further occasions , Simone decided to join a small team of people specialising in past-life therapy , and now helps others to come to terms with traumas in the past which are blocking present progress or happiness .
29 The auction will also disperse the Erlenmeyer Collection of Western Asiatic cylinder seals and antiquities , the proceeds of which are to benefit environmental organizations .
30 ‘ Because we 're dealing here in projects which are labelled cost-saving exercises . ’
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