Example sentences of "[pron] at a [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He ‘ lets go ’ in a frightening tantrum — banging his head , kicking , screaming and yelling — when he can not get his own way , such as when you try to insist on his doing something , refuse his commands or attend to people other than himself at a time when he wants your undivided attention .
2 Trippy was meeting somebody at a club down at Camden Lock but he could n't remember who or exactly where .
3 We regret having to disturb you at a time when you are busy , but the matter is important . ’
4 Are you at a meeting tonight ?
5 One at a time one at a time please .
6 He advocates marking the stretchers off one at a time instead of squaring cross all four at once .
7 The major bus undertakings and the UndergrounD railways ( including the Metropolitan ) were also taken over on that day , and the minor bus operators were drawn in one at a time later , but the main line railway companies ( including their suburban services ) were excluded .
8 Moral — only ever remove one at a time so that you can see which way that have to be returned .
9 Right , let's try and talk one at a time now .
10 Have to be one at a time now .
11 In the morning he had woken with energy racing through him at a pace too uneven to harness .
12 When , after a hazardous journey through thickening fog , using only the statutory semi-blacked-out lights , he asked her if she would care to dine with him at a roadhouse not far from their destination , she accepted with alacrity .
13 Corbett could only shout at Ranulf to stay and do nothing before Selkirk took him at a canter out of the abbey .
14 He fended her off simply by the expedient of grasping her wrists , holding her at a distance so that she could n't even contrive to kick his shins .
15 He looked up from the desk , caught her at a moment when , against her will , tears had filled her eyes .
16 One friend who watched their relationship deteriorate points to Prince Charles 's disinterest and total lack of respect for her at a time when Diana badly needed help .
17 Last year and this year they could have upgraded it at a cost much greater than the initial expenditure and much less efficiently .
18 Well you you buy it all at thirty three or twenty five percent discount so you can then sell it at a bit more .
19 Gerry Fitzgerald , the Belfast Telegraph 's award-winning photographer , took it at a day out by the National Canine Defence League at Ballymena .
20 If it did not exist , would anyone trouble to invent it at a time when , from the Atlantic to the Urals , socialism in all its manifestations is losing the argument to liberal capitalism ?
21 It would have been foolhardy to risk weakening it at a time when the Cold War was about to turn hot in Korea .
22 Far from reducing taxation , as we had been elected to do , we would have to raise it — and raise it at a time when local councils were already pushing up rates .
23 Part of the answer must be that the element of risk in a PRP scheme reduces its attractiveness to employees , hence the advantages of introducing it at a time when the alternative ( no pay rise ) is even worse .
24 He showed particular interest in that subsidence , it 's reasonable to assume that his object was to return to it at a time when there would be no one around to interfere with him .
25 Someone , in other words , who is likely to take silk , but likely to take it at a time sufficiently far in the future to give you a chance of stepping into part of his practice as a junior .
26 His speed was such he did n't approach it at a speed where he could erm er l lay off and er let something happen .
27 But I had bought mine at a time when I 'd luckily accumulated some nice big fees , and she is just what I need , in every way .
28 Although my work as CBC Production Manager kept me at a desk rather than on the production floor , I was occasionally able to produce plays .
29 One of the lads asked me at a dance how I had earned my living before I had got married .
30 You were very kind to me at a time when I needed comforting and I 'm grateful to you . ’
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