Example sentences of "[pron] at [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 You could , could the window tre the cleaner get through that window he said yes , but she 'll have to , he 'll have to force it , she said oh I do n't want it forcing , no , somebody at the shop in the greengrocers rooted through the phone book , eventually got her daughter 's phone number in Urmston , phoned for her and her daughter come down
2 Though Japanese prints , which he collected avidly , helped distil their decorative beauty , their strict linearity is at times offset by whip-lash curves , as the line of the trees doubles back on itself at a bend in the river .
3 You can use a stronger line which is less likely to be cut ; but , inevitably its extra weight and drag will put you at a disadvantage in terms of manoeuvrability .
4 Right you are ; we 'll be a party of six ; see you at the station in an hour ! ’
5 I 'll expect you at the Presbytery in a few days with your donation . ’
6 What 's er Steve doing with you at the moment in , in lectures , has he started auto regressive models ?
7 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
8 ‘ I 'll meet you at the car in five minutes . ’
9 He waved and shouted something at the mercer in the street below , then scrambled back onto the ladder again and started to descend .
10 Beechams Pills could be bought one at a time in a spill for a penny .
11 CLE-1 , however , always imposes strong preferences , because of the way that reference candidates are tried one at a time in a depth-first fashion , with backtracking to the next candidate taking place when , and only when , the logical form involving the current one is deemed implausible .
12 The chorus is taken by people one at a time in a round
13 If , unusually , there is no time pressure , the targets can be approached one at a time in order of their relative attractiveness .
14 Second , so many features of our own constitutional practices are debated one at a time in just this way , that it is implausible to claim conventionalism as a good interpretation of the process by which our legal culture shifts and develops over time .
15 She could imagine what would be said if she arrived with one at the house in Newcastle Place .
16 At two o'clock she seated herself at a window-table in a restaurant overlooking the Nile , near where the houseboat was moored .
17 I first came under him at a period in his life when he was abandoning the piano .
18 This had dropped him at a garage in Cromcruach and had then mysteriously vanished before he could offer his thanks .
19 A man died when a wall collapsed on him at a farm in Gloucestershire .
20 The alleged assaults happened when two officers went to arrest him at a house in Cathcart Road in London .
21 ‘ I said you 'd meet him at the car in ten minutes . ’
22 I remember when Mike was a baby and I went home with my shopping and left him at the check-out in Sainsbury 's .
23 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
24 And ou and going back to Mr Heselton , he has said i , I 've got a negative factor for him at the moment in terms of minus eight fifty , but let let me let me take the figure which is actually quoted in the County Council 's table of nine fifty dwellings .
25 And she 'd go on the demonstrations in it too , I 've seen her at a rally in a park dragging that beaded hem through the mud .
26 In fact I sat next to her at a lunch in Abingdon a few years ago , and erm this image one got of her of not being a listener is totally untrue erm every time she turned to me it was to listen to what I had to say .
27 HERE 'S someone to make tennis ace Monica Seles really grunt and groan — Hollywood heart-throb Pierce Brosnan , spotted with her at a tournament in Los Angeles .
28 He ordered a pastis for himself and a pineau de Charentes for Sabine , then sat down with her at a table in the corner .
29 Lord Archer and Lord Healey , both in Santa Claus outfits , had been with her at an event in honour of Headway , the National Head Injuries Association .
30 He would leave a message for her at the desk in the Grand Hotel foyer .
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