Example sentences of "[pron] he [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Basic to it is a distinction , which he took from the English philosopher John Stuart Mill ( 1806–73 ) , between ‘ natural science ’ and ‘ moral science ’ , which he rendered in German as Naturwissenschaft and Geisteswissenschaft respectively .
2 It is true that his definition of Rachel as " reste [ and ] goosteli swettenesse in deuocioun and contemplacion " , and " grace of deuocioun and reste in conscience " ( 31 – 2. 351 – 2,360 – 1 ) seems to correspond with his thinking about the stage of spiritual development which he describes in Scale 1 chapter seven as preceding an experience where man 's awareness in love of the life within him as Christ , is expressed as a " mariage made bitwix god and soule " ( 8.283a. – 82 ) .
3 His book stresses the history of styles , which he describes in sequence , Baroque for example being followed by Rococo , and Neo-classicism .
4 His energetic intelligence was evident in the servants whom he employed , in the policies which he countenanced or sponsored , and in the skill which he displayed and the pains which he took in order to get his own way .
5 Roxburgh was a royal castle and its associated township , both quite large , situated within the narrow point of land where Teviot joined Tweed ; a strong position where King David the First , son of Malcolm Canmore and Saint Margaret , had established his headquarters on accession to the throne , and from which he had in effect ruled Scotland .
6 The chief measure which he had in mind was old-age pensions .
7 It was designed both to whet commercial appetite for the more ambitious ‘ large work on the Birds of Australia ’ , which he had in mind , and to establish the scientific validity of the enterprise .
8 PAUL ACCOLA , Switzerland 's alpine skiing world champion , will miss the Championships in Japan in February after surgery on his left knee , which he injured in training .
9 He was thirty-eight years old with a youthfully handsome face , tousled auburn hair that hung untidily over the collar of his open-necked white shirt and a sturdy , muscular physique which he kept in shape with a daily five-kilometre run followed by a punishing workout in his own private gymnasium .
10 His gallery is a grand townhouse on East 79th Street where he trades modern masters , including art from the estate of Pierre Matisse , which he purchased in partnership with Sotheby 's , and blue-chip post-war American and European paintings by Jackson Pollock , Rothko , de Kooning and Francis Bacon .
11 Sir Keith gave them a very warm welcome , allowed the meeting to be televised and expressed appreciation of the case put to him by this unusual delegation which he engaged in talk , interpreted into English and BSL respectively , for almost an hour .
12 The apocalyptic Eliot gravitated in 1926 to Dekker 's ‘ heapes of dead mens bones ’ , and the ‘ very pleasing ’ cannibalism of Wanley 's ‘ The Resurrection ’ , which he quoted in extenso in a review .
13 The son of a labourer from Grenada 's sister island of Carriacou , which he represented in parliament for nearly 30 years , he cut his political teeth , like many other Caribbean leaders , working at the giant Lago oil refinery on Dutch-ruled Aruba in the 1940s .
14 He read about Jacques Delors 's federalist vision from which he recoiled in horror .
15 ( This perhaps indicates that it was tactically inept in this case for the plaintiffs to seek to persuade the court that the whole package of information was confidential. ) 5 Whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired in the course of his career , but is merely selling to a third party information which he acquired in confidence in the course of his former employment Goulding J drew no such distinction .
16 He was in an iron bed which resembled that on which he slept in ffeatherstonehaugh 's , but it had on one side a sad leatherette-and-wooden armchair and on the other a small white cabinet .
17 Eventually he built up a collection of bells which he played in time to the tunes he would play on his harmonium .
18 In doing so the law would concentrate on what the accused dishonestly achieved or attempted to achieve and not on the means — taking or otherwise — which he used in order to do so .
19 It was Sir John Hawkins [ q.v. ] , writing in 1776 , who stated that John Shore devised the tuning-fork , which he used in preference to the pitch-pipe when tuning his lute .
20 And Peregrine Worsthorne has left her the word ‘ embonpoint ’ , which he used in court , among other circumlocutions , to describe her appeal .
21 After the trial Bott continued to knock around his old haunts in Stoke Newington and the East End , gaining a professional qualification in urban planning which he used in community work with the homeless and unemployed .
22 Thus in chapter thirty he restates the threefold division of the spiritual life which he starts in Scale 1 : the basic faith without any inner experience of God , a felt love of Christ and finally an experience of the spiritual reality of God .
23 Similarly , Marx 's theory by which he explained in part the historical formation of concepts , ideas , values , and institutions as a result of the legitimation of exploitation , ( that is , ideology ) , was inapplicable to societies without exploitation .
24 Leaving Paddy Mayne to bring up what he could in the way of supplies from Kabrit , Stirling set off from Siwa to Eighth Army Headquarters , which he found in turmoil .
25 Sir Jonathan Cope presented him as rector of Drayton , Banbury , which he held in plurality with Horsenden till his death .
26 3.1 The only mechanism by which a court can seek to compensate a person who has suffered damage or loss in consequence of a wrong done to him is to award him monetary compensation , whatever the nature of the damage which he has in fact sustained .
27 Work continued apace and Colonel von Donop appeared again on 21 December to inspect the final section , which he did in car No. 36 .
28 Although largely unrecognized by the scientific establishment in England , Palmer enjoyed some contemporary recognition on the Continent : his explanation of colour blindness first appears in a secondary account in L. C. Lichtenberg 's Magazin für das Neuste aus der Physik in 1781 and was then cited in texts such as J. S. T. Gehler 's Physikalisches Wörterbuch , while his first monograph of 1777 ( which he issued in translation in Paris in the same year ) was extravagantly reviewed in the Journal Encyclopédique .
29 Following on from his recent installations , the Argentinean artist has been working on moveable objects consisting of a wooden surface , on which he draws in graphite or coloured pastels , and a superimposed sheet of lead some distance from the base .
30 He asks : " what se hym ne here hym ? " [ : hinders ] ( ibid ) The new " gamen " and " trauaile " of which he spoke in chapter forty is to find out .
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