Example sentences of "[pron] on the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That I On the first point about us and our own showing of forgiveness .
2 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
3 Indeed Maiden was competitive which on the first leg may have come as a surprise to the girls .
4 Behind the showroom was the Farrs ' house which on the first floor extended to the street .
5 Bastian , the independent scholar/dealer , who organised the show together with another independent curator , Werner Spies , says that he is most pleased with the reaction of an old couple from Dresden , who on the first day said that they had been longing to see Picasso 's work for forty years .
6 Office workers who on the first day possible in the early year had rushed out in their lunch hour to cover any patch of grass with bare legs and arms , floral patterns and jackets , as if some strange immediate growth had been brought out by the sun , to die back in the early afternoon , had by now got the habit of staying in the dark bowels of buildings when they could .
7 This was a move forward for one young man , who on the first meeting called Philip ‘ The grey haired old GIT . ’
8 ‘ Good , ’ said the corporal , ‘ because we 're always gentle with you on the first day . ’
9 Your player used to test you on the first hole .
10 Because here 's the weird thing about these relationships with women : you get everything on the first date .
11 When he moved in the house had five bedrooms , so he decided to convert one on the first floor into an en suite bathroom .
12 A malfunctioning main undercarriage gear meant that NAA missed out on a $ 250,000 bonus for exceeding Mach One on the first flight .
13 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
14 Should they attempt to influence the bishops , Archbishop Felici warned them on the first day of the new session , they would lose their privileges , a threat that caused considerable resentment as much among the fathers as among their advisers .
15 Fazisi is more complicated , almost the entire first half of the book is about the campaign , how it originated , how sponsors were found ( Pepsi sponsored them and then dropped them on the first day of the race ) .
16 ‘ I hope you 're coming to see me on the first night , Georg .
17 ‘ I rang the airport straight away — they 've booked me on the first flight out .
18 ‘ Have you not heard of Resenence Jeopardy ? ’ she 'd asked him on the first day of their acquaintance .
19 The ascent in 1865 was just a week before Whymper climbed the Matterhorn , Moore was partnered by Horace Walker , who , the same year , was with him on the first ascent of the Brenva Ridge on Mt Blanc , and by guide Jakob Anderegg .
20 It was a risk , for she might well have run headlong into him on the first floor landing , but she had luck , and was round the next turn of the stairs when she checked and froze against the wall , hearing his rapid steps on the oak treads below her .
21 Of the twenty original members it is likely that only two ( Sir Keith Joseph and Airey Neave ) voted for her on the first ballot for the leadershiP election in 1975 .
22 This he read in the lavatory , where she had seen it on the first day .
23 In Germany the privilege of driving it was handed to Mario Andretti who crashed it on the first lap .
24 It felt it on the first morning when it came in and I sat on it , I thought well I 'm sure it did n't feel like the one we tried in the shop did n't feel like this but
25 Or does n't , you know , exhaustively optimize it on the first pass , all the time .
26 And then do it on the first time well if he wanted , he do n't have to go .
27 ‘ A tale from Lamb , ’ she muttered , opening it on the first page .
28 One of 11 auctioneering firms participating in the CLASS operation are Cheshire-based Wright-Manley who offered two lots on the first day of the new system which is linked to the offices of some 30 buyers , mostly abattoirs .
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