Example sentences of "[pron] you can [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And in the absence of someone you can legitimately blame ( it 's rarely possible to give the person firing you the sort of vitriolic tongue-lashing you 'd like to ) , you may hit out at your nearest and dearest .
2 yes , well , er I follow that , but I 'm sorry I put it rather badly Mr forgive me , part of your defence against the claim by er relates to erm these agreements , you must say that these agreements erm because they are of the standard form are anti competitive and therefore they or part of them are void , erm building on that presumably your defence says or employs er that because erm , you know there void , I du n no perhaps you can tell me this erm , all , all the er all parts of the void , all the power of the agent , the agreements with regard to premium trust funds and the like , er are also unenforceable as between er the erm name and his er members agent , erm and in consequence of that you say , as I understand it , er that that is , all that cause be lost which you can neither set up as a defence to claim under the central bi-law or at least as a set up or counterclaim , I just wanted to explore this aspect of it , erm , as to the consequences of your plea , does it mean that clause nine is put on one side wholly or to an extent in the latter case to what extent ?
3 This is also a ‘ dead time ’ during which you can profitably respond .
4 The Starlet holds over 200 CDs which you can just punch buttons to play .
5 Sandy Island , which you can just see on the horizon from the Beach Restaurant , looks just like a cartoonist 's typical desert island sketch .
6 Bird watchers would thoroughly enjoy the unvisited lake at Carambolim , from which you can just see the spires of old Goa .
7 It is , for the viewer , the perfect world through which you can even make friends .
8 As an entertaining diversion and one on which you can again get your hands dirty we consider a small point which naturally arises here , namely : Is it in fact the case that each of the numbers Nn is itself a prime ?
9 It is important to make changes at a pace with which you can easily cope .
10 You may wish to include these individuals in your army , which you can easily do by paying the appropriate points cost .
11 Opening the control icon gives you a series of cascading menus , which you can easily alter to show programs and functions you might want to perform .
12 Here follows a menu chosen by Ken Hom which you can easily prepare in your home to celebrate Chinese New Year .
13 Here are some examples , which you can easily add to :
14 ‘ I 'm not an idiot and clearly neither are you , so there is n't much to be gained by concealing from you that which you can easily find out , is there , Mr Milton ? ’
15 For example , you can use QBE to build a screen from which you can both view and edit a customer mailing list along with a file that lists each customer 's purchase history .
16 To register a claim on the liquidator 's list , simply write to the company 's registered office , which you can normally get from their letterhead .
17 You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour .
18 •There 's a mass of companies out there selling PCs which you can simply plug a network card into .
19 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
20 The village was very isolated in the past , and until the road down into Curral das Freiras was built in 1959 , the only access was down the narrow , twisting , tortuous path which you can still see from the village .
21 If the outdoor work is not for you , there are many ways in which you can still help .
22 , ’ If the quotation is a common one you could acknowledge this fact but turn it into a plus , ‘ We all know the lovely poem by John Masefield , which you can never tire of hearing , ( Pause ) ‘ I must go down to the seas
23 Put it instead at the back of a base cabinet or high up on a wall cabinet , or in the space , if there is one , between wall cabinets and ceiling which you can always turn into a second tier of cabinets by adding fronts to match your other units .
24 The traditional Elancyl treatment involves the green massage glove containing Elancyl soap with ivy , which you can really enjoy using briskly in the bath or shower .
25 These machines , which are comparatively new to the domestic market , have jog/shuttle dials with the aid of which you can rapidly pinpoint edits by playing the tapes back and forth at any speed you like from single-frame and slo-mo to five or more times faster than normal .
26 When you hold the net up to drain , the small animals will have been collected in the glass tube , which you can then tip into a jar .
27 Which you can then tax .
28 It is a good idea to list the positive and negative consequences of dieting on an index card , which you can then carry around and refer to prior to eating , or exercising .
29 They 'll give your hair instant body and manageability which you can then transform into the style of your choice .
30 The plans are examined by the council for compliance with the Building Regulations , and if everything is in order you will receive an Approval Notice in due course , which you can then file away with your deeds .
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