Example sentences of "[pron] was not [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I was not expecting a great deal of management input from them , ’ he says .
2 I was not expecting a personal visit . ’
3 I was not expecting a visitor ! ’
4 I was not identifying a feeling — not reporting upon the occurrence of an event — I was simply signalling my acceptance of a proposed course of action .
5 I was not planning a trip to Alice Springs , I pointed out .
6 This common intention , which was not to agree a figure of £62,480,893 but to deduct group relief at whatever sum was agreed , held until the agreement was made .
7 If a number of people for purely social or philanthropic reasons agreed upon a joint plan of action , the purpose of which was not to make a profit , this would not be a partnership .
8 The winner of this year 's Avia Foursomes and the amateur medal at the British Women 's Open at Ferndown , the undeniably gifted Cheshire golfer was distressed to find that she was no better placed than second reserve for England in the Home Internationals and , further , that she was not given a place on the " B " team sent to Italy .
9 But for the average home-owner to find good taste cheaply , displayed informally , and feel certain that he or she was not making a mistake because it was already arranged and coordinated , was quite new to Parisians .
10 " You 'll take some treacle tart , " she told Daniel , the set of her pugnacious jaw warning him that she was not asking a question so much as issuing a command .
11 Mr Cosic , who was not given a chance to defend himself , was charged with overstepping his authority by holding peace talks with the Croats .
12 There was no W , since it was not reckoned a proper letter in its own right , but only a double U , which is how we pronounce it .
13 The Helsinki session , while welcoming Bosnia-Hercegovina as a member [ see also below ] , decided to allow Yugoslavia to retain its seat , while stressing that thereby it was not accepting a solution of the succession to the former Yugoslavia .
14 It was not to have a long future , although Mary summoned it late in 1553 to announce her proposed marriage to Philip of Castile .
15 ‘ The Community as a whole should make it absolutely clear that it would warmly welcome East Germany joining West Germany on the basis that it was not admitting a new member state to the Community , but simply recognising the extension of the territory of an existing member ’ , he stated .
16 The European Free Trade Association was formed in 1959 , by Britain , Switzerland , Austria , Portugal and the Scandinavian Countries , but it was not to prove a substitute for the E.E.C .
17 Abbey Life claimed it was not making a political statement or dealing in anti-Labour propaganda .
18 At an extraordinary CITUB congress on Feb. 22 Petkov accused the UDF government of aggressive anti-trade unionism , but said that he was not seeking a clash with it .
19 Williams presented himself as someone whose entire life had been blighted by the curse of British colonialism ; even at Oxford , was he was not denied a fellowship because of his colour ?
20 However , it is clear that he was not displaying a taxi roof sign .
21 He claimed he was not given a fair hearing .
22 He was not given a medical examination after he lodged his complaint ; however , he still bore scars from the torture one year after his arrest .
23 He was not wearing a crash helmet .
24 ‘ You are sure he was not wearing a grey silk tie ? ’
25 Having looked gloomily into the windows of antique shops , and steered his way past lines of tipsy Tories , he returned to the Grand where a functionary manning the door noticed that he was not wearing a photo-pass .
26 When the accident occurred he was not wearing a safety belt .
27 He emphasised that in dismissing McCrory 's application for judicial review he was not imposing a ban on the wearing of poppies in prison .
28 A prisoner wrote to me stating that , although he was worried about his father 's health , he was not allowed a telephone call .
29 But as he came closer I saw that he was not asking a question .
30 ‘ Really ? ’ she said cautiously , still not quite convinced that he was not shooting a shameless line in exploitation of her supposed ignorance .
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