Example sentences of "[pron] is always [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( e ) Leasehold property When your client is buying a leasehold property in a case where the lessor 's licence to assign is required , the licence ( which is always prepared by the lessor 's solicitor , who should submit the draft to you for your approval ) may require your client 's execution of a counterpart of the licence .
2 Most , but not all , building societies have their own printed form of notice , which is always served in duplicate , so that one copy can be receipted and returned to you and lodged with the title deeds , which are ultimately sent back to the lender .
3 The most frequently occurring vowel in English is , which is always associated with weak syllables .
4 It is the same for all the inherently restrictive adjectives ; inevitably , an adjective which is always used as a way of selecting restrictively from a set of items present in the mind of the speaker is liable to be thought of as a means of identifying an entity .
5 ‘ What is appropriated and reproduced is here only the herd and not the soil which is always used in temporary commonalty wherever the tribe breaks its wanderings. ’ [ p. 89 . ]
6 This is described by another commentator as ‘ a disposal of the grey , day-to-day business of reconciling interests , a fear of the pragmatic soiling of ideals through political compromise , a distaste for cool reason , which threatens to corrupt the hot dictates of the heart , the primacy given to principle , the loyalty to fundamentals , to ruthless coherence instead of to balance , to compromise , which is always thought of as ‘ lazy ’ and close to ‘ horse-trading ’ if not ‘ treachery ’ . ’
7 Nobody likes a child who is allowed to do whatever she likes , but then again no child is happy if she is always prevented from exploring .
8 ‘ I felt guilty writing because I know she is always besieged by charities asking for help .
9 Her Frenchness , and whiteness , seem very much under threat as she is always surrounded by Africans , and Africa .
10 The instructor , who is always addressed as the sensei , instils principles of etiquette into every student .
11 However , whereas routine can become mechanical , ritual itself is always intended as a conscious act .
12 But the body itself is always organised by fantasy .
13 One is always warned about the perils of wishing — perhaps Constanza wo n't be in trouble because she is not getting her wish literally .
14 When Eliot heard that Wyndham Lewis had been travelling around North Africa in a thick English suit , he remarked , " Lewis was always a heavily dressed man " ; and of a lady who had acquired too many petrol coupons during the first year of the war , he said , " There is always bound to be a certain element of iniquity in these matters " .
15 Moscow is a grey city ; comfort there is always tied to power , and power too frequently to abuse of power .
16 ( This word only has a weak form when used in a relative clause ; when used with a demonstrative sense it is always pronounced in its strong form . )
17 If this is the general challenge , it is always faced under specific historical conditions .
18 For the purposes of analysing intonation , a unit generally greater in size than the syllable is needed , and this unit is called the tone-unit ; in its smallest form the tone-unit may consist of only one syllable , so it would in fact be wrong to say that it is always composed of more than one syllable .
19 It is always done in a running stream … the rivers contain in ordinary weather but a very small stream of water , trickling through an immense mass of rocks of all sizes .
20 This can be established ad hominem to anyone who makes such an identification , for it is always done by people who attach importance to the claim that what has the natural property in question is good .
21 Mystical experience never arrives out of the blue ; it is always influenced by the religious milieu of the mystic , even though he may want to transcend the beliefs and attitudes that he found there .
22 The face as image is always precarious , for it is always exposed to possible re-framing and re-definition by other images .
23 The title of Chapter 3 , ‘ The politics of variation ’ , was intended to underscore the central point about sex difference research : that it is always undertaken for political reasons , and has traditionally been used to justify sex discrimination and exclusionary practices , making them seem natural and inevitable .
24 It is always embedded in some social form , in conventions such as letter writing , charters , catechisms , business styles , academic ‘ texts ’ etc. , and it is always learnt in relation to these uses in specific social conditions .
25 But , while this new Keynesian role may result in greater material benefits for the workers of the industrial world , it is always perpetrated in an economic system in which the state is acting to defend the interests of capital accumulation and the objective exploitation of the proletariat , whether at home or abroad .
26 It is always embedded in some social form , in conventions such as letter writing , charters , catechisms , business styles , academic ‘ texts ’ etc. , and it is always learnt in relation to these uses in specific social conditions .
27 For them , the uses of Creole are quite restricted : it is always used in conjunction with British English ( usually LE ) in a code-switching style , and has a limited set of functions .
28 By this time , Edinburgh had emerged as the recognized centre of " the Female Question " ( as it is always known in the union literature ) .
29 Nothing can be taken ‘ as such ’ in this novel ; it is always read through the screen of metaphoric focus .
30 pearce is another overrated player — i cant see why he is always prefered for tony — yeah pearce is tough and shoots hard and is a fighting guy — — so what — — dorigo is a much more — international — type — coming forward more often and when in form seems to be a good friend with the ball …
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