Example sentences of "[pron] is not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bank and building society managers are supposed to be approachable : if yours is not then change to another branch .
2 It was about how difficult inventors find it to raise finance to bring their inventions to market , no matter how promising the inventions may be , and how many potentially marketable creations are languishing for lack of capital , since the financial institutions are either not interested or not prepared to take risks with anything which is not already established .
3 No form of argument or persuasion is allowed ( eg criticism of the target 's board ) and the buyer ( and its advisers ) may not make any statement or otherwise make public any information in connection with the tender offer which is not already contained in the tender offer advertisement itself .
4 The argument here is that a high correlation between an item and the overall test score means that the item contributes little new information which is not already tapped by other items .
5 ‘ At the same time , however , we are also seeing the beginnings of a new internationalism , a solidarity which is not yet systematised ; but we can see the emerging shape of a new global struggle — of humanism against the free market .
6 Notice the definition of PtrType includes the identifier PERSON which is not yet defined .
7 The appearance of older people as the largest single patient group in most major medical specialisms is a fact which is not yet recognized by the training offered to medical and nursing staff .
8 fur the mouse egg there are no axes and both the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral are specified , in a manner which is not yet understood , during development .
9 It may also bring in its wake the danger of a too-ready acceptance of that which is not yet proven .
10 The split , which is not yet healed , led to an SPLA factional battle in Bor in November .
11 They then loaded the haul of jeans , tops and jackets the value of which is not yet known into another stolen Isuzu jeep .
12 ‘ 4(1) The institution conducts , or , in the case of an institution which is not yet carrying on a deposit-taking business , will conduct its business in a prudent manner .
13 For many Christians the world of faith is suspended in an uneasy limbo between complete ignorance ( which is no longer possible ) and sufficient understanding ( which is not yet attained ) .
14 Yet it needs to make good the outdated complex , which is not even geared to withstanding bad weather .
15 Yet oddly , despite the obvious importance of this event , the Committee does not meet again until June 14th , a mere month away from the Opening in July and which is not even discussed .
16 The deserts of the world which comprise this empty quarter demonstrate a sensitivity to human impact but one which is not easily separated from the effects of fluctuations in climate , as studies of arroyo development have clearly shown ( Cooke and Reeves , 1976 ) .
17 In consequence this new subject has created ‘ something rich and strange ’ which is not easily defined .
18 The serious backing for the adventure of the lost prince , compounded as it is of romantic but genuine love of country and an equally genuine love of son for father and father for son , gives Frances Hodgson Burnett 's tale a richness of texture and an emotional maturity which is not easily matched in later stones for children adopting a similar subject .
19 Once stage three gets underway , however , the librarian finds that bibliographies of the subject tend to cut across classification boundaries with impunity , particularly in the humanities and social sciences , and a too rigid adherence to classification numbers means that a good deal of the material which is not easily pigeon-holed can escape the selection net .
20 These examples show that technological innovation is a messy process which is not easily managed .
21 Several studies , for example , show that policy outputs vary from authority to authority in a manner which is not simply related to differing resources or needs .
22 WHEN Ron Dennis , the managing director of McLaren International , goes to the trouble of stressing that his team intend to continue giving Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost impartial treatment during the final two races , such a commendably even-handed approach immediately arouses suspicion in a sport governed by an organisation which is not exactly noted for its equitable methods .
23 The preamble further asserts that the company are making ‘ considerable progress ’ on the remaining portion of the main line between Bishop 's Castle and the Cambrian , which is not exactly according to fact , in as far as the term ‘ considerable progress ’ is popularly understood .
24 Interesting that the 3 games featured Manc/Arse/Pool ( oh I wonder who the Beeb are licking ? ? ? ? ? ) which is not exactly giving the public exciting soccer .
25 This concept has two main difficulties : manometric studies should be performed in these patients , which is not frequently done and secondly , initial or developing Barrett 's oesophagus is not considered in this group .
26 ( I am not arguing that the Americans do not themselves engage in all manner of protectionist devices , but merely note that they do at least have an intrinsic belief in the benefits of Adam Smith 's hidden hand , a view which is not wholly shared on the Continent of Europe . )
27 Traditional Christian teaching has been removed from many schools and replaced by what may be in the minds of teachers clear and accurate material , but which is not infrequently received as a mish-mash of other religions and vague talk of spiritual development .
28 Case law , which is not infrequently relied on as an indication of problem areas , can be a very unreliable guide , since many cases are atypical and the real problems lie elsewhere .
29 However , since it applies whatever the age of the woman , it also extends to behaviour which is not otherwise dealt with by the criminal law .
30 I still have a foothold in Baldersdale , which is not widely known .
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